Pet Plate Reviews

: 21

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81% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Flexible payment options
I'm really glad that the store gives us the option of flexible payment plans, like installme...Read on
Leanne Mertz

Most relevant negative review

Subscription delivery service
I signed up for a delivery service for my pet's food and it was not a good experience. The c...Read on

Review with most votes

Pet Plate: An Average Meal Del
I recently tried Pet Plate, a company that delivers fresh, human-grade food for dogs. I have to s...Read on
Jalon Weber

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Human grade lightly cooked dog food

    This food wasn't my favorite compared to others I've tried. The packaging is a pain to thaw and it suggests way too many calories compared to the others I've had. The price is alright, not too bad though.

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    Would buy here again

    Quality dog food for mini poodle

    My little poodle was having a tough time with food for a bit, always getting sick in the middle of the night. But ever since I switched to Pet Plate's top-notch dog food, she's been snoozing soundly all night without any problems. The ingredients are agreeing with her tummy and she's feeling healthier and more energetic overall. I'm super happy to have found such a great and nutritious choice for my furry buddy.

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