Edit Delete Opinions and Mark them as Resolved

Often, we leave a review immediately following a negative experience, only to reconsider and wish to edit or delete it later. Mistakes happen, and at US-Reviews, we provide our users with the tools necessary to maintain control over the testimonials they publish on their company profiles.

With that in mind, we would like to outline some key features available when you create a review on our website. Just as there are no limits on creating reviews, there are also no restrictions if you wish to edit yours. We recognize that opinions can change, or additional information may need to be added.

How to Edit a Posted Review

If you need to modify your review—whether to add new details, remove inaccuracies, or clarify any points—you can easily do this from your user panel.

  1. Log in to your account using the button at the top right corner.
  2. Select the "Edit Review" option.
  3. Make the necessary changes.
  4. Click Save.

At US-Reviews, we firmly state that we do not condone editing reviews under threats or coercion from companies. If you encounter such a situation, please contact us to report your case.

Considerations When Editing a Review

Our commitment to transparency and honesty means we offer the following guidelines when editing a review:

  • Is it necessary? Correcting minor spelling errors and other small mistakes might not require much effort, but a clear and well-written review is always appreciated.
  • Are you doing it of your own accord? We do not allow companies to pressure users into editing or deleting negative reviews. If you are being coerced, please reach out to us immediately.
  • Does it contain personal or sensitive information? Avoid including personal data that could compromise individuals involved with the business or affect third parties. Focus on discussing the brand and your experience.

How to Delete a Posted Review

Just as users can edit their reviews, they can also delete them if needed. We recommend using this option only if you have posted to the wrong company profile or in cases of other misunderstandings. If your issue has been resolved, consider not deleting your review but keep reading for other options available.

Only delete your review if it is absolutely necessary and done freely without any external pressure. To delete a review:

  1. Log in to your account at the top right.
  2. Select the "Delete Review" option.
  3. Confirm your action by clicking accept.

What Does It Mean to Mark a Review as Resolved?

Our platform, Reviews International, now allows users to indicate that their issue has been resolved by the company, turning a previously negative review into a positive outcome.

While users currently can't mark their own reviews as resolved, they can confirm with the company that their problem has been addressed. In such cases, we will mark the review as "resolved." This option is highly recommended for entrepreneurs wishing to improve their public image. Contact us to mark your review as resolved if:

  • The entrepreneur has reached out and satisfactorily resolved your issue, demonstrating they have taken steps to address your negative experience.