Can I have multiple US-Reviews Reviews Accounts?

At Reviews International, we allow only one account per user. Trust and integrity are fundamental to US-Reviews. To ensure consumers can rely on the reviews they read, it's crucial to prevent misuse by limiting users to a single profile. This helps keep our platform secure and dependable.

How to Merge Multiple Profiles?

If you have more than one profile, please contact us to merge them. You'll need to provide the email addresses associated with all your profiles. If you have a preference for which profile to keep active, inform us so we can retain it.

What Happens After the Merge?

Once your profiles are merged:

  • All reviews you've written will be consolidated under the chosen profile.
  • You will have one set of credentials (email/password) for logging into US-Reviews.

Can I Revert the Merge?

No, the merge is permanent. Since we only allow one profile per user, once profiles are merged, this decision cannot be undone.

This streamlined approach ensures each user maintains a single, consistent identity on US-Reviews, enhancing the credibility and reliability of our platform. If you need to merge profiles or have any questions about this process, please reach out for assistance.

What Happens if We Spot a User Using Multiple Accounts?

On US-Reviews, we have an automated system to detect users operating multiple accounts through IP tracking. To prevent positive spam, promotional, or fake bot reviews, the system will automatically ban the IP of suspected users.