Health IQ Reviews

: 21

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90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Insurance policy switch
I was actually planning on staying with my current insurance company, but then I chatted with Deb...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Policy purchase
I was told I'd get great coverage for a good price, but ended up with huge medical bills and...Read on
M. Kassulke

Review with most votes

Excellent products
I don't think any product for self or for gift to someone I love Life Insurance is not a product ...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    super smart talker

    The person I chatted with was so interesting. They were so knowledgeable and really helped cheer me up. They even cracked some jokes that made me laugh! I really wish they were closer to me so I could babysit for them without charging a fee.

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    Would buy here again

    Helpful phone conversation

    I just had a great phone chat with this person who knows their stuff when it comes to insurance. It's always tricky trying to sort everything out over the phone, but Valerie broke it all down for me. She was super knowledgeable about all the fine print that came with the insurance plan I chose.

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