Colorwow Reviews

: 22

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64% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Thick, frizzy, curly hair prod
I recently bought this product for my super thick, frizzy, curly hair and let me tell you, I was ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Dreamcoat hair product
I recently bought some hair product that I thought would make my hair look super sleek and smooth...Read on

Review with most votes

Colorwow: Just okay
I've been using Colorwow products for a few months now and overall, I'm pretty satisfied with the...Read on
Aaron Powlowski

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    One Minute Transformation hair product

    I recently bought the One Minute Transformation hair product after watching a lot of videos on social media talking it up for its amazing ability to make hair instantly less frizzy and more moisturized. But when I tried it out, I was let down because my hair ended up looking kind of dull and greasy instead of nice and moisturized. It did help a bit with the frizz, but it just wasn't powerful enough for my thick hair. And I was bummed out that I didn't see any big change like in the videos. I think there are probably other products out there that are cheaper and can give similar results. I wish I could add some photos to this review to show how lackluster my hair looked after using it.

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    Would buy here again

    Haircare products

    After using the hair products I bought, my hair started breaking a lot and there's this weird residue that I can literally scratch off. It's really strange because I've never had these issues with other hair products before. I'm worried about the long-term damage these products might cause to my hair, and it might take years to get it back to normal. I'm super disappointed with how these products are working for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced root and volumizer

    I used to be a hairdresser, so I was really looking forward to trying out this root and extra-large volumizer. But honestly, it was a total letdown. I followed the instructions, but it did nothing for my hair. I was hoping for better results, especially with my experience in caring for hair.

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    Would buy here again

    Hair product disaster

    Oh my gosh, I was really hoping this hair product would work wonders on my hair, but instead, it made it look so dull and it even started breaking! I'm so bummed out, what a total waste of money!

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    Would buy here again

    One Minute Transformation

    I bought that One Minute Transformation thing you're always seeing all over social media a while back. But man, let me tell you, it was a total disaster. My hair got all dried out and started breaking like crazy - super bummed out about it. And to top it off, I shelled out 21 bucks for it, which seems way too steep for something that messed up my hair in one go. Long story short, I was not a fan and won't be giving this brand a second chance anytime soon.

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