ESPA Reviews

: 23

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91% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Recent skincare purchase
I recently bought some skincare products and I have to admit, I'm really happy with how they...Read on
J. Cummings

Review with most votes

Amazing for skin
I am totally in love with ESPA. they have the best things that i ever want to put on my skin. I a...Read on
Morgan Diaz

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Face balancing/treatment oil

    I was so bummed when I found out my favorite product was sold out. I've been using it for over 20 years and was really looking forward to getting some more. I do appreciate the promos and free samples, but I really wish they had my usual product in stock. I'm gonna try out a different one and cross my fingers for good results.

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    Would buy here again

    High-quality skincare, calming bath products, buy back-ups

    The skincare and bath products at this place are absolutely amazing! I just love how top-notch they are and how soothing they feel on my skin. I always make sure to have extras of my favorite products so I never run out. It's seriously the best stuff I've ever used!

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    Would buy here again

    Bundle gift pack purchase

    The website was so easy to use and the gift pack options are amazing - way better deal than buying things separately. Only thing is, it would be nice to have some travel sizes available for us folks who are always on the go. But, all in all, I’m really pleased with what I got and I’ll definitely be coming back for more skincare stuff.

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    Would buy here again

    Amazing for skin

    I am totally in love with ESPA. they have the best things that i ever want to put on my skin. I am trying the lip care too, i guess i am going to stick with ESPA for longer than i expected

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