Innovo Reviews

: 21

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90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Tech support assistance
I had a great experience with the customer service rep I talked to. She was friendly and really s...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Faulty shorts return
I bought some shorts not too long ago, and they stopped working soon after I got them. So, I deci...Read on

Review with most votes

A Satisfied Customer's Review
As a customer of Innovo, I have had a fantastic experience using their products and services. The...Read on
Monty Lehner

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Shorts replacement prompt and efficient

    The customer service here is awesome. They were super fast in getting back to me about all my questions and problems. They even sent me a new pair of shorts for free when mine was acting up. I've been rocking those shorts nonstop and already seeing some really great changes in just a few weeks.

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    Would buy here again

    Troublesome sizing and error code with initial orders, now using generation 1.

    After struggling to find the right size and dealing with error codes on two pairs of pants, I finally settled for generation 1. It was a bit tricky to put on at first, but once I managed to get it right, the results were amazing. It not only made a noticeable difference, but it also feels like it's giving my back muscles a good workout.

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