InvisaWear Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Smart safety accessory
The safety accessory I got was great for feeling safe when I'm out and about, but canceling ...Read on
T. Runolfsson

Review with most votes

safety | security | peace of m
As a user of InvisaWear, I have to say I am extremely impressed with their products and services....Read on
Cassidy Towne

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Drink prevention scrunchie

    I saw it on TV and just had to order one for my granddaughter. It got here super quick, just 3 days! The website also has some cool bracelets and necklaces and now my daughter is thinking about getting one too. Such a great idea for safety!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cool bracelet

    I recently got this really awesome bracelet and I love it! I used to have a different one but I wanted to change it up. This new one is so cool and the customer service is incredible. They always call me back right away and answer any questions I have.

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