Kave Home Reviews

: 22

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91% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Large mirror purchase
I bought a big mirror at the store not long ago, but it came in damaged. Thankfully, the company&...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Recent furniture order for new
I wanted to share my recent furniture order experience with you all. I ordered a bunch of stuff f...Read on

Review with most votes

I am so happy with my purchase
Me and my husband shifted to our new home, we used to live in apartment and we decided that we wi...Read on
Divya Jain

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    300cm sofa purchase

    I just bought a 300cm sofa from this store, and it looked good on its own, but putting it together was a real nightmare. We had to make holes in the fabric for the screws, line up the pieces ourselves, and try to straighten them out, which was really hard. The instructions were not much help, and now we have a sofa that looks all wonky and strange. The arm on the corner sticks out weird because of how it's designed, and some of the legs don't even touch the floor right. It's a bummer because it could've been a nice sofa if not for all these problems. So now we're stuck with a not-so-great piece of furniture that took four long weeks to arrive.

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    Would buy here again

    Cute stool for room

    OMG you guys, you won't believe it! I found the cutest stool for my room and it's seriously amazing! It got delivered super quickly, just five days all the way to my house in Ireland. The customer service was awesome, they kept me in the loop on when it would arrive. The stool arrived in perfect condition, wrapped up so nicely to keep it safe. Thank you so much, I'm absolutely in love with it!

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    Would buy here again

    Recently purchased chairs

    I bought some chairs online, but one of them got messed up during delivery. The company's After Sales team really impressed me though. They were easy to reach by phone and email, and they sorted everything out quickly and without any drama. Their professionalism made me feel good about my purchase, and I'd definitely shop with them again. Big shoutout to Ms. Judit for all her help!

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