Keen Reviews

: 23

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52% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

American-made boots for boyfri
I had the hardest time trying to find some American-made boots for my boyfriend, but I finally fo...Read on
Gloria Heaney

Most relevant negative review

Poor quality boots
I recently bought a pair of boots from this brand, and man, I was so bummed out by the quality. I...Read on
D. Kreiger

Review with most votes

I love the boots!
I like the boots since i was the kid. So when i buy the boots, i make sure to keep everything ch...Read on
Zara Winsell

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Comfortable, but not durable boots

    I'm really bummed out about these boots. I bought them when I was on vacation in Wales and at first, I really liked how comfy they were. But after only using them once in a while for a year, the soles started coming apart and letting water in. I exchanged them for a new pair, but the same thing happened again a year later. It's annoying that the company hasn't addressed this durability issue. Even though the boots were comfy, they just didn't hold up. I wouldn't suggest them to anyone and I won't be buying them again.

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    Would buy here again

    Waterproof Hiking Boots

    I bought these hiking boots thinking they would last me a long time, but after just four months, the fabric near the toe started to tear. I only wear them to walk my dog, nothing crazy. For the price I paid, it's disappointing that they fell apart so quickly. I won't be buying shoes from this brand again.

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    Would buy here again

    Online order cancellation

    I just made an order online, but then realized I messed up and needed to cancel it. Can you believe they told me I couldn't change or cancel it once it's submitted? So ridiculous, right? The order hadn't even been shipped, but they still wouldn't let me cancel it. It's like they say they care about the environment, but then they won't let me avoid wasting resources by canceling an order. So frustrating! I'm definitely going to shop somewhere else once I deal with returning these items.

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    Would buy here again

    Scam alert!

    This company is terrible! I wouldn't recommend buying from them at all. They never send your order and won't give you a refund either. They start off by giving you a tracking number and showing some movement, but then nothing happens and they don't even respond to your complaints. It's a complete scam!

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