LilySilk Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Silk pillowcases and sheets
I just bought some silk pillowcases and sheets from this company, and let me tell you, I am reall...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Silk blouse purchase
The whole situation with getting my silk blouse delivered was just a mess! I couldn't even s...Read on
Darren Olson

Review with most votes

Quality, style, core values, l
I'm really happy with my experience at this company. The products I bought were amazing qual...Read on
Cleveland Mosciski

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Silk products

    I've bought a bunch of silk stuff from this store and I gotta say, I've been super happy with all of it. The silk is just like the pictures - really nice and sturdy. And the prices are pretty fair for such good quality. I haven't had to return anything, but I've heard the process is simple, even if it's not as easy as some other places. All in all, I've had a good time shopping with this brand.

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    Would buy here again

    Delicate pajama with seam issue

    I just bought this really cute pajama from this company, and I loved how it looked and felt at first, but I have a couple things to point out. The material is really delicate, and one of the seams ended up coming apart pretty quickly. It was a bummer because I had high expectations for this pajama. I think they should reinforce the seams so it lasts longer and stays in good shape.

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