Pawz Reviews

: 21

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81% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Animal-themed products
I just got some super cute animal-themed stuff from this store, and let me tell you, I'm rea...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Delayed holiday order
I placed an order back in mid-November, hoping to get it before the holidays. But now, it's ...Read on
Laila Walter

Review with most votes

Pawz: Just an average pet supp
As someone who's been a customer of Pawz for a while now, I can say that overall, my experience w...Read on
Deshawn Marvin

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Clothing purchase for a cause

    The clothes I bought not only looked good and felt comfy, but they also helped out needy animals who have been through some rough times. It's nice to know my money is going to a good cause. Animals are part of our families too, and it warms my heart to see them showing emotions just like we do.

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    Would buy here again

    Awesome Pawz stuff

    I really enjoy shopping at Pawz. They have such awesome stuff like clothes and accessories. Plus, it's super affordable and has a cozy vibe. I love knowing that my money is going toward helping cute doggies. My favorite thing to snag from there is definitely the hoodies - everyone comments on how cool they are. I'll definitely be sticking with Pawz for all my shopping needs!

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