Sea New York Reviews

: 3

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33% Would buy here again

Most relevant negative review

Dress purchase, sizing issue
The dress I got from this company was a total disaster. I usually wear a small, like their size c...Read on

Review with most votes

Great Collections
Very interesting shopping this was Never shopped here before While surfing this web site I surpri...Read on

Reviews (3)






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    Would buy here again

    Great Collections

    Very interesting shopping this was Never shopped here before While surfing this web site I surprised to see products styles and design All were like I never wearer before but something pulling me to go for at least one number
    But when checked store address or was close to my address So decided to visit personally Probably I will not able to explained I tried more then half dozen of dresses including one Glady smocked dress in black And that is really good
    I bought It was costly but for curiosity and change I bought that Dress Classic materials ,quality finishing , deserved this much priceing

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    Would buy here again

    Dress purchase, sizing issue

    The dress I got from this company was a total disaster. I usually wear a small, like their size chart said, but this dress was way too small to even zip up. The bust was 4 inches smaller than their small size. When I reached out to customer service, they didn't really care and acted like it was my fault. Trying to get a refund was a nightmare, they were so rude. Dealing with a company that sends out bad products and won't own up to it is frustrating. Their fancy New York fashion attitude needs to go, I wouldn't recommend buying anything from them.

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    Would buy here again

    Unexpected shipping taxes

    I just bought something online and got hit with an extra charge of 1.297 DKK for shipping taxes. I know international shipments can come with taxes, but it would've been nice to know about it upfront. Not knowing about this extra cost was a letdown and took me by surprise. It would've been better if they were upfront about it when I placed my order so I could be prepared for the added expense.

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