Suitnegozi Reviews

: 21

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77% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Designer trainers at a discoun
I wasn't sure at first because of some bad reviews, but I saw a really good recommendation a...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Designer loafers
I recently bought a pair of designer loafers from this store, and I've had a really bad expe...Read on
G. Sauer

Review with most votes

Skirt, quick delivery, great s
This company is absolutely amazing! I bought a skirt from them not long ago and it turned out to ...Read on
Willis Zulauf

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    My new clothes

    Oh my goodness, I just found the most amazing clothes on this website! They have all the newest styles and even when they're having sales, you can still find really cute items for a good price. And if you need to return something, it's super simple and hassle-free!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Returned package for refund

    I did everything the store told me to do and sent back my package, even though they didn't offer free returns. But since it got there, I've been emailing them non-stop about my refund and haven't heard back at all. It's really frustrating and honestly the worst online shopping mess-up I've ever dealt with. Now I'm getting nervous that I might not even get my money back. Looks like I'll have to go to the bank tomorrow to figure out what's going on with this whole thing.

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