Sunny Sports Reviews

: 21

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52% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hiking gear purchase
Oh man, let me tell you about Sunny Sports - they really know how to treat a customer right! I re...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Misleading product presentatio
This company is terrible. I ordered a new pair of shoes but received old, dirty, and scuffed shoe...Read on
S. Wolff

Review with most votes

good shoes for travelling
I broke my shoes or damaged it during my trip to Japan last time . so this time i needed some goo...Read on
Wyatt Johns

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Waterproof shoes purchase

    I recently bought some waterproof shoes from Sunny Sports, hoping they'd keep my feet dry during my outdoor adventures. Turns out, they weren't as waterproof as they claimed. I wore them for just a day and my feet ended up all wet and uncomfortable. I was pretty bummed about how they performed and wanted to get a refund. But, the return policy was super strict and didn't allow returns on used items, which was a major bummer for me. It's frustrating to not be able to return something that doesn't live up to what was promised, especially when you were counting on those specific features.

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    Would buy here again

    Outdoor gear

    I bought some outdoor gear from Sunny Sports not too long ago and the ordering part was super easy. The stuff arrived in good shape and came pretty quickly. But when I tried to return some things that didn't quite meet my standards, well, that's when things got a little tricky. I ended up getting hit with a tax credit and had to pay for shipping, which ended up taking a chunk out of my refund. This whole situation has definitely left me feeling bummed out and unsure about buying from Sunny Sports again in the future.

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