Trikko Brand Reviews

: 22

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55% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Awesome t-shirts
These t-shirts are awesome! I've been getting them for about a year now and they've bee...Read on
F. Orn

Most relevant negative review

Delayed Order
I bought something on October 24th and got an email saying my order was confirmed. But I haven�...Read on

Review with most votes

I have been waiting 3 MONTHS for 1 hoodie. Have been emailing Trikko all days and they do not res...Read on
John Smith

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    T-shirt purchase delay

    I recently bought a T-shirt from this company, but it took a whole three months for it to get to me. When I finally got it, I saw that the printing on the back was already coming off. I reached out to customer service, and they told me to send it back for a new one, and they said they'd cover the shipping costs. But now, they're not answering my emails at all. I ended up paying for the shipping and the T-shirt, but I still don't have a good shirt. I'm really disappointed in how this all turned out, especially since I really liked how the T-shirt fit me. But the bad customer service experience has made me think twice about this brand.

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    Would buy here again

    Order 19121

    I bought something from this company not too long ago and man, I gotta say, I'm pretty bummed. They straight up didn't send me what I ordered, and on top of that, they didn't even bother responding when I tried to ask what was going on with my order. It's obvious to me now that this company is shady - they're just making false promises and avoiding taking responsibility.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I have been waiting 3 MONTHS for 1 hoodie. Have been emailing Trikko all days and they do not respond. In the mean time I still haven't received from them. Please don't order from them I you don't want to wait longer than 3 months on a product.

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