Atlas VPN Reviews

: 24

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63% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick and easy purchase
So, I finally gave in and decided to buy this service and man, it was easy. No problems, no issue...Read on
M. Doyle

Most relevant negative review

Costly three-year plan
I had a lot of trouble with Atlas VPN. It kept disconnecting, had a shaky connection, and the sof...Read on
Twila Ratke

Review with most votes

Easy-to-use app
I gave the app a shot for like a month and it was really easy to use. But honestly, I don't ...Read on
Dale Glover

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Slow speeds and connection problems

    My internet was acting up, being all slow and cutting out on me. Luckily, this awesome person recommended changing my settings to IPSe/ikEv2, and it totally worked!

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    Would buy here again

    2.5-year Subscription Not Working

    Recently, my computer crashed after six months of using the VPN service. When I tried to reinstall it on my new device, I ran into a bunch of problems. Even though I reached out to customer support for help, I didn't get much assistance - just slow responses, suggestions that didn't really help, and no fix for my issue. The login confirmation emails weren't coming through quickly, and even changing my email address didn't solve the problem. I'm pretty disappointed with the support I received and not being able to use the product I paid for, especially since I still have 2.5 years left on my subscription.

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    Would buy here again

    VPN service subscription

    I just got a VPN service subscription and ran into some issues with the routing. But the customer service team was super helpful and fixed everything for me. I did notice that the rating service was showing old info, so it might be a good idea to do some testing on the app before letting clients use it.

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    Would buy here again

    Atlas VPN subscription

    I'm really bummed about the switch from Atlas VPN to Nord VPN. They sent emails saying the switch would happen on a certain day, but now the VPN is nowhere to be found. No matter how many times I try, I can't get it to work. I can't even find a chat page to talk to someone at the company, which just makes me more frustrated. It seems like Atlas VPN might be breaking their promise by not giving us the service they said we'd get before switching. I hope they either give us our money back or start up the VPN again until the switch is done. What about the time between the 10th and the 24th of April when they're supposed to make the switch - are they expecting us to just go without a VPN then? It's sad to see Atlas going away because they used to have such great service.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy-to-use app

    I gave the app a shot for like a month and it was really easy to use. But honestly, I don't really need a VPN for my browsing. I mostly just watch local stuff and YouTube. And I also use Netflix, Stan, and Optus Sport for all my entertainment.

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