MyHeritage Reviews

: 25

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

DNA test results
I am completely shocked right now. Finding out I have a long-lost sister through my DNA test is l...Read on

Most relevant negative review

DNA Sample purchase
I just bought a DNA kit from this company and everything seemed good at first. But now, I'm ...Read on
Odie Sporer

Review with most votes

Best way to explore and record
I have been utilising Myheritage platform for last few months. It is so effective creating a fami...Read on
Ricky Weasley

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    DNA results comparison

    At first, we were a little confused about how to pay, but we finally got our hands on the DNA results. We had used a different company before for our DNA testing, so we thought the results would be pretty much the same. But boy, were we in for a surprise! Some of the categories in the results caught us off guard and didn't quite line up with our family history.

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    Would buy here again

    Email address change

    Changing my email address to my preferred contact was such a pain, let me tell you. I was stuck in this never-ending loop of frustration. But thankfully, Customer Support swooped in and saved the day by walking me through it all. Getting a hold of them at first was no picnic, let me tell you.

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    Would buy here again

    DNA kit

    So yeah, waiting for the results was pretty tough, you know? It took forever! But it was really interesting watching where the sample was at in the process. And when I finally saw my results, I was totally shocked! Now I'm thinking about getting a kit for my mom so we can dig even deeper into our family history. The kit was simple to use and definitely worth the cost. I'm excited to share my results with my siblings!

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    Would buy here again

    DNA test assistance

    The customer service guy I talked to was super helpful walking me through how to use the DNA test kit. He patiently answered all my questions and gave me clear explanations that were way more helpful than what I saw on the website. Now I really get how to do it and feel more sure about using the kit.

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    Would buy here again

    Genealogy research with photo enhancement

    Exploring my family history was even better with all the photos I found. It really felt like I left no stone unturned. My only complaint is there wasn't a good way to give tips to the person helping me out. It could have made things easier for them.

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    Would buy here again

    Family tree research tool

    I'm really liking how easy and useful the family tree research tool is on MyHeritage. Compared to other platforms I’ve tried, it’s way simpler to go through all the family tree info, especially when dealing with tricky stuff like divorce. Even though I haven't gotten my DNA results yet, I'm already having a blast exploring my family history and finding connections with relatives I never knew about.

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