MyUS Reviews

: 22

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59% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online international shopping
The first time I used this service was pretty good overall. My package got to me with no problem,...Read on

Most relevant negative review

International shipping experie
I’d like to share about my recent experience with international shipping using this service. It w...Read on
K. Vandervort

Review with most votes

Purchased 6 pairs of wide New
My experience with MyUS was awesome! They definitely made it easy to order stuff from the US to t...Read on
Cordia Kautzer

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    International shipping review

    My international shipping experience was amazing, all thanks to the awesome support I got from the folks at this company. They really went above and beyond to sort out any problems quickly and make everything run smoothly. I'm so thankful for their help in taking care of all my needs and making sure the shipping went off without a hitch.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent purchase experience

    I recently started using a shipping forwarding service, but I'm not happy with how it's going. I bought two things that made it to the facility, but they only told me about one right away. It's been more than a week since the second item got there, but they haven't done anything with it or let me know about it. I asked for help and gave them the tracking number, but they still haven't fixed the problem or given me any news on where my stuff is. This delay is really annoying and inconvenient because I can't send my things out.

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    Would buy here again

    International shipping experience

    I recently used international shipping services and had a not-so-great experience with one of the agents, Ms. Rachel. She was really strict about processing orders and wouldn't budge on allowing substitutions, even when asked. She even threatened to cancel my whole order if certain items weren't available, without offering any other options. That kind of inflexibility is unprofessional and can hurt a business that depends on happy customers. Customer service agents should be more flexible and understanding to make sure clients have a good experience.

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