Nurx Reviews

: 22

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55% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Birth control prescription ref
I just moved to a new city and needed to refill my birth control prescription before finding a ne...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Birth control pills
When I first started using this service for birth control pills, everything was going smoothly. I...Read on
J. Mayer

Review with most votes

Great services
I didn't expect things fully perfect either products or services Unlike many other Nurx customers...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Birth control order

    Nurx totally saved my life when it came to getting my birth control pills. Dealing with my insurance was a nightmare, but Nurx swooped in with some affordable options. The only hiccup was when I needed to renew my pills and they took a bit to get back to me. But once I followed up, they were quick to fix the issue. Despite my pills being fashionably late, they made sure I got them in the end.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Hormone replacement medication

    Even though I initially got decent service, I ran into a big problem with my order. The post office messed up and didn't deliver my medication that I really needed, so I called customer service for help. But, I had to wait a long time to get any answers to my questions, and I was disappointed by how slowly they were handling my situation. I made it clear that I needed a replacement urgently, but all they told me to do was contact USPS and ask my neighbors if they had seen the package. The lack of understanding and eagerness to help made me feel ignored and upset, especially since I stressed how important it was for me to have my medication for my hormonal imbalance.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    Horrible and Disorganized. They make mistakes repeatedly. Often takes 7 days or more for a response with half the time NO response. Will send your Rx to wrong pharmacy then will not correct it for 15-30 days. Do not use them, find other options you'll be glad you did.

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