SpaFinder Reviews

: 21

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29% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Spafinder gift card purchase
I've been a Spafinder customer for over ten years now, and I gotta say, I'm always blow...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Difficulty purchasing digital
I had a really bad time trying to buy a SpaFinder e-gift card online as a Christmas present. My c...Read on
J. Klein

Review with most votes

Great services
Idea is great to minimize customers problem to search everytime where is good and affordable spa...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Hyped-up spa gift card

    Hey everyone, this company has gotten pretty shady. None of the spas on their list are accepting the gift cards anymore. I'd steer clear if I were you!

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    Would buy here again

    Gift voucher disappointment

    I got a spa voucher from my daughter that was supposed to cover massages, facials, yoga, and other treatments. But when I tried to use it in the UK, I found out it was no good. Even though it didn't expire, I couldn't find a spa that would take it. Now I'm wondering why the company is selling vouchers that don't work. It's got me thinking about their ethics and if they're really looking out for their customers.

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    Would buy here again

    Spa gift card purchase issue

    I had a really frustrating time trying to use a spa gift card recently. It just wouldn't work at the spa, so I contacted Spa Finder for help. But all I got back were automated replies, which made it super hard to get things sorted out. Even though it was tough, I kept at it and eventually got the confirmation that I'd be refunded for the amount that didn't work on the card. My tip for anyone dealing with this kind of situation is to keep pushing and standing up for what's fair.

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    Would buy here again

    Gift card purchase

    I bought a SpaFinder gift card not too long ago and it's been a real bummer. I've attempted to use it in various cities like Austin, San Francisco, and Chicago, but no luck at all. I even called a bunch of places on their site that supposedly accept SpaFinder, still couldn't use it. It's so irritating and disappointing to have this $200 gift card that's basically useless.

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    Would buy here again

    SpaFinder gift card issue

    I received this gift card to use at the spa, but when I tried to use it, it wouldn't work so I ended up having to pay the entire amount. Today, when I checked online, it showed that I had a balance of $0! So, I called customer service and spoke with a guy named John. He was incredibly rude and unhelpful. John mentioned that it might take 7 to 10 days to figure out what happened and couldn't even confirm if I would get my money back on the card or as a refund to the spa. He had a really condescending attitude and didn't seem to care at all about my issue. I hope I get my money back soon, but I have decided to not use this gift card again due to the horrible customer service experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Difficulty using Wyndham Visa card at SpaFinder

    I've got a timeshare with Wyndham that lets me use SpaFinder for spa stuff. But, the thing is, SpaFinder keeps giving me a hard time when I try to pay with my Wyndham Visa card. It's been pretty annoying because I have to end up using a different credit card. And then, even when I show up at the spa with my printed certificate, they sometimes have trouble getting it to go through. They have to keep trying multiple times. It's a bummer because it makes using the service a bit of a hassle.

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