UPack Reviews

: 21

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48% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Cross-country moving container
I recently used a cross-country moving container service, and I was really happy with the whole e...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Ruined mattress, wet, mildew s
We packed up all our stuff and when it got here, our mattress was totally soaked with this big ye...Read on

Review with most votes

UPack: Just Okay
I recently used UPack for a long distance move and overall, my experience was pretty good. The pr...Read on
Christa Ankunding

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Moving with Upack

    Moving was a complete disaster! I had to call a bunch of different numbers just to figure out what the heck to do. The delivery, pick-up, and unpacking of the trailer were a total nightmare. And on top of all that, a bunch of stuff was broken when we finally started unpacking. Then Upack sent us to this awful moving company. It was a disaster and I had to scramble to hire another company at the last minute. Never doing that again!

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    Would buy here again

    Insurance claim denial

    My stuff that I made sure was safe got sent over to me all broken. So I went ahead and put in a claim with the insurance I got, but they said no way, their person who checks things out said the driver and the truck didn't get into any accidents, so it's my fault that my stuff is all messed up. The stuff that those crazy drivers messed up was worth $1400, but Upack doesn't even care. They don't care about us customers. I've used them three times in the past four years and dropped almost $10K, so I'm really let down.

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