Airalo Reviews

: 24

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58% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

eSIM for Colombia
I bought an eSIM for Colombia and everything went smoothly. The connection was always strong and ...Read on
Emelia Franecki

Most relevant negative review

Unfulfilled service
I am so upset with the service I got. I paid for something that I never got, even after I tried t...Read on

Review with most votes

Airalo: Average experience, no
As an individual who frequently travels, I have had the opportunity to use Airalo to purchase eSI...Read on
Brenna Kling

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    SIM card

    Oh my gosh, I kept getting so many messages from this place! It felt like I was talking to robots, seriously frustrating. Even after I told them to stop, they just wouldn't quit. It all seemed really sketchy and I felt like they were trying to pull a fast one on me. I just want them to refund my money and stop bothering me. Ugh.

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    Would buy here again

    Eurolink 10 GB Europe SIMs for iPhone

    I was pretty disappointed with the Eurolink 10 GB Europe SIMs on my recent trip. They were fine in Spain and Austria, but in Hungary and the Czech Republic, I had slow speeds and connection problems. It was a pain trying to use data on my iPhone 14 max and 15 pro max, so I ended up using free wifi for a big chunk of my trip. Honestly, I wouldn't suggest these SIM cards for anyone traveling in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Waste of money

    I purchased a 5Gb eSIM for China expecting it to work, but it turned out to be a total disappointment! Luckily, I found one from Nomad for a cheaper price and it worked much better. The Airalo eSIM took forever to connect in Beijing and didn't work at all in Shenzhen. I reached out to their customer support, but they weren't helpful at all. On the other hand, my Nomad eSIM worked perfectly. My advice is to steer clear of Airalo!

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    Would buy here again

    eSims in multiple countries

    Well, I just wanna say, using eSims from Airalo has been really awesome! I've been to a couple of countries and getting them set up was a breeze. The internet was super fast and my buddies who tried them out had a great time too. And let's not forget about the reward program - that's definitely a nice little extra perk.

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    Would buy here again

    Poor internet service in Turkey

    I was really disappointed with the internet service in Turkey. The network was so slow and kept cutting out, which made it really hard to use apps like WhatsApp. Dealing with such bad service was super frustrating, especially since I have a good phone. On top of that, I quickly used up all my data, so I had to keep topping up, which wasn't cheap at all. I definitely wouldn't suggest using this service because the longer you stick with them, the more problems you'll run into.

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