Radisson Blu Reviews

: 22

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36% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Weekend trip stay
I went to this hotel for a weekend getaway and it was amazing! The lobby was really nice and the ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Prepaid reservation for hotel
The staff at the hotel were so rude and unprofessional. When we got there, they told us the resta...Read on
Julius Pacocha

Review with most votes

Always a experience to stay wi
I had a great stay as always. It was my third time and always surprised to find how their staff i...Read on
Isher Qadri

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Stay at a hotel near Manchester Airport

    I recently stayed at a hotel near Manchester Airport and honestly, it was not a great experience. I decided to go for a Premium Suite room, but the service did not meet the high standard I expected. The room was not cleaned well, there were hairs left in the bathroom, and the check-in/check-out staff were not very helpful. It seemed like they were all new and inexperienced. I wouldn't choose to stay there again unless there was a big discount, because it definitely wasn't worth the full price.

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    Would buy here again

    Loyalty points disappearance

    I can't believe how bold this hotel chain is. I gathered a lot of loyalty points over the years, and then they just vanished out of nowhere. I reached out to customer service, and at first, they admitted their error and gave me my points back. But just when I was getting ready to plan a trip, I got an email saying they made another mistake and took my points away again. It seems like a total scam and I'm really let down by how unprofessional this company is. I won't be staying at this hotel chain again, that's for sure.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel stay

    The hotel we stayed at was decent, kind of what I figured for London. But, what really got on my nerves was that even though I paid for my room a month before, they still slapped an extra £100 on my card. They didn't give it back until a week after we left, which I think is a bit much. It's not fair they get to keep my cash for a week while I can't use it.

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