All Property Management Reviews

: 24

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33% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Property manager search
I highly recommend All Property Management for anyone looking for a property manager. Their websi...Read on
A. Keebler

Most relevant negative review

Lead Generation Service
I was really let down by the lead generation service I signed up for. I tried to reach out to the...Read on

Review with most votes

Property manager
My husband & I thought we had picked the right property management company, woe unto us. We t...Read on
Shelly Benedict

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Property management leads

    We really like the idea of the service, but we haven't had much luck with the leads we've gotten. Even though we've spent a good chunk of money on leads, we've only ended up with one duplex to manage using the service. We're looking forward to seeing some changes in the future so that our investment pays off better.

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    Would buy here again

    Property management lead quality

    The leads we get from this company can be really annoying because they end up being fake or missing important info. It's obvious they need property management services, but they hardly ever reply after the first contact. Even when I follow up quickly, these leads don't usually turn into real business. I think they need to improve how they screen leads to make sure they're actually interested in property management services. Right now, I'd say the service is just okay.

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    Would buy here again

    Lengthy lease, poor on-site management, low salary, lack of employment requirements, tenant grievances, faulty auto pay system, overcharging tenants.

    The lease they gave us is way too long at 16 pages. It feels like they're just piling on more rules for us to follow. The people running things here don't seem very professional, and it looks like they don't pay their staff well or have clear job expectations. Everyone living here tries not to make waves with management because it seems like they don't handle complaints well. On top of that, the auto pay system is a mess because of their outdated computers, and it's causing tenants to get charged too much. I really hope they bring in a new system to help us out and prevent these problems in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    My experience with the leads

    My experience with All Property Management hasn't been great. A lot of the leads I got were just tire kickers, not serious about finding a property. It was really annoying trying to reach out to people who were interested because a lot of times their contact info was messed up. And to make things worse, I was up against other agents and managers, all fighting for the same leads. It made it really tough to get clients and make deals happen. Honestly, the leads from All Property Management were not up to par.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent leads quality

    I've been using this service for a few years, and I gotta say, the quality of the leads I'm getting has really gone downhill. It's annoying how they keep asking for all this extra info from users, and won't let them say no to a lead. Plus, their credit policy has gotten stricter, so it's not as appealing to stick with them. I'm checking out other lead providers now, since there are plenty of options out there that are more flexible.

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    Would buy here again

    Home maintenance services

    I used this service for some home maintenance not long ago and honestly, I was so disappointed. The person they sent over to do the job was really unprofessional and just not reliable at all. They kept making all these excuses and putting other jobs ahead of mine, even though there were already so many delays. I had to wait for weeks just to get a straight answer about whether they could finish the job or not. Dealing with them was so frustrating because it was obvious that they didn't care about keeping their promises to their customers.

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