Coffee Circle Reviews

: 23

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78% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick delivery, great coffee
The delivery was so quick and the coffee was even better than I thought it would be. Yeah, the pr...Read on

Most relevant negative review

3-month coffee subscription gi
I recently got a 3-month coffee subscription as a gift and really loved the first month's de...Read on

Review with most votes

Expensive coffee grinder purch
I just bought this fancy coffee grinder online and man, what a letdown! Been waiting for a month ...Read on

Reviews (23)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and informative customer service

    Don't worry about sitting around and feeling clueless - our customer service team is quick to give you the info you need. And let me tell you, the coffee is absolutely amazing!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Quick and efficient service

    I've always been super happy with the service from this company. Their customer service is excellent and they always deliver super quickly. I never have to stress about my orders arriving late or wrong, which is a huge weight off my shoulders.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Expensive coffee grinder purchase

    I just bought this fancy coffee grinder online and man, what a letdown! Been waiting for a month and haven't even gotten a tracking number. Reached out to customer service and all they did was tell me to be patient and tossed me a $10 voucher if I bought more stuff. Terrible communication and service. I'm done with this store for sure.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Espresso machine

    My experience with the online store has been pretty disappointing. I've been waiting for my espresso machine for almost two whole months, and there's still no word on when it's going to be shipped. It's frustrating not knowing what's going on with my order, and the customer service folks haven't been much help at all in giving me any real answers. Every time I try to get an update, I either get stuck waiting on hold forever or hear that they can't help me right now. They said they would send follow-up emails, but I haven't gotten any, so I have no idea when I'll actually get my purchase.

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