Sam's Club Reviews

: 26

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35% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hearing aids
I had such a wonderful time at that store, especially working with Jennifer in the hearing depart...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Gas grill purchase
I ordered a gas grill from this place, and let me tell you, I was super disappointed. The deliver...Read on

Review with most votes

Satisfied with Sam's Club's on
As a client of Sam's Club, I have had a generally positive experience with the company. Their onl...Read on
Kory Lynch

Reviews (26)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bulk shopping experience

    My time at Sam's Club was a total letdown. The place was a complete mess, with stuff all over the place and shelves looking like a tornado hit them. The employees were less than helpful, barely knowing where stuff was or how to help out. It was like they never got trained properly, making mistakes left and right and leaving customers unhappy. Prices were messed up too, making checkout a nightmare. It seemed like they were trying to keep up with other big stores, but they were failing because they didn't pay attention to the little things or keep their employees happy.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Various beverages for the holidays

    I just bought some drinks for the holidays from Sam's Club, but when they got delivered, the orange juice, strawberry lemonade, and lemonade were missing. I reached out to customer service to fix the problem, but all they offered was a refund instead of sending the missing items again. I was really let down by this because I needed those drinks for a special event. Now I'm not sure if I want to use their delivery service again. And I'm also wondering how I can get back the tip I already gave to the delivery person.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Big store, bad online order

    I hopped on the internet to order some stuff from that big store that starts with an "S." Everything was going smooth at first - I got the email confirming my order and all that jazz. But then WHAM! They up and canceled my order with no warning. No explanation, no nothing. And to top it off, they still charged me for something I never even got! I tried shooting them an email, but it was like talking to a brick wall. I had to call my parents, and they ended up calling our credit card company to fix the whole mess. Total nightmare!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Credit card statement fee

    Are you kidding me? I've been with them for over twenty years, and now they want to charge me nearly two dollars to get a monthly credit card statement? That's just plain greedy! I'm fed up with all their money-hungry moves, so I'm definitely not renewing my membership.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Membership renewal, credit card issues

    I've really been enjoying my time at Sam's Club in Wesley Chapel, but man, their credit card services have been a nightmare. When I renewed my membership, I noticed that my cashback rewards weren't showing up in my account. I had to reach out to member services and Synchrony a total of 8 times, and it wasn't until I demanded to speak with a supervisor that things finally started to get sorted out. They just kept pointing fingers at each other, and it took a supervisor stepping in to fix the problem. But my troubles didn't stop there. Recently, I had an issue when I used the credit card to book an international flight. Even after confirming the transaction, my account got locked out of the blue, with no warning. This was a big inconvenience for me since I use the credit card for all my autopayments. Despite talking to multiple reps, including supervisors, they couldn't give me any immediate solutions or speed up the process to fix the issue. It's frustrating to see such a lack of flexibility and support from Synchrony, a company this big.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bulk items purchase

    If you enjoy getting tons of spam emails, then this is the spot for you. I signed up again and right away got flooded with emails. When I tried to opt out, they said it would take 10 days. Seriously? And don't even get me going on the folks running the show – total greed. Yeah, maybe Sam's Club is a bit better than its main company, but it's all related in the end. The Walton family always wants more money, even though they're already raking in millions every hour. It's sickening.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Recent membership experience

    I had a real frustrating time with my warehouse store membership recently. Been a member for over twenty years, but ran into all sorts of problems with my online orders and membership status. They'd just cancel orders with no explanation, which left me feeling let down and disrespected. I decided to give them another shot six months later, but my membership got revoked outta nowhere right after placing a bunch of orders. The way they aren't clear or consistent with their rules just made me feel tricked and mad. After hearing about other folks going through the same stuff, I've decided to stay away from this company going forward.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    snacks and soda

    This place is seriously the worst! I was trying to make a change to my membership and it was like talking to a robot. The person on the phone couldn't even speak English, like seriously? And to top it off, they send all these emails but no one ever responds. It's frustrating, why even have customer service if they can't help, you know? Ugh, I'm so done calling them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Business deliveries

    I'm a regular customer who gets business deliveries from this place, and I gotta say, usually it's pretty convenient and reliable. But man, my last experience was a letdown. Not only was the delivery late, but the delivery lady was super rude and unprofessional. She just left our order outside, like it was nothing, and wouldn't even bring it in, saying it wasn't her problem. On top of that, she didn't even bring everything we ordered. When I tried to talk to her about it, she straight up ignored me and walked away. That kind of incompetence and disrespect is just not okay. We won't be using this delivery service again. I suggest checking out other options, like that popular warehouse club that does similar deliveries but treats their customers with way more professionalism and respect.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Large quantity bulk purchase

    I recently bought a ton of stuff at this store and I have to say, I was not impressed at all. Trying to order was a nightmare, the website was a mess and it was so hard to find what I needed. The service was just okay, no one offered to help me find stuff or answer any of my questions. And the prices were a little high compared to other stores with the same stuff. Then the delivery was a mess, my stuff came late and all messed up. Overall, I was really let down by this store.

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