St Stephens Books Reviews

: 23

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Star Wars books at discounted
I recently stumbled upon a great little shop where I discovered some Star Wars books I'd nev...Read on

Review with most votes

A Satisfied Customer's Review
I have been a customer of St. Stephen's Books for several years now and I have nothing but great ...Read on
Lauren Feil

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Found great books on sale

    I came across some really awesome books on sale at this bookstore that were actually cheaper than the ones I saw on that huge online store! I was so surprised at how quickly the books arrived - just 3 days after I placed my order! I'm definitely planning on buying more books from this place again. They have a wide variety of books to pick from.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Peter May book series set

    I finally found the whole series in one shot at this place! The packaging was top-notch and the books arrived in perfect condition. I would definitely order from here again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I just got some books from this store and let me tell you, the customer service was top-notch. The owner really went out of their way to help out and make sure everything went smoothly with my purchase. They were proactive and really focused on making sure I was happy with everything. Plus, the prices were great! I'll definitely be shopping there again.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Set of books for Christmas

    I just bought a bunch of books for my son's Christmas present from this bookstore. I was really happy with how good the prices were. The books came in perfect condition, all brand new, and they arrived super fast. I was impressed with the great service from St Stephens Books. I made sure to save their website for the next time I need to buy more books.

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