Klipsch Reviews

: 23

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57% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Reference Series 820 Floor Sta
I could talk to you about floor standing speakers all day long! They're the bomb when it com...Read on
Vivienne Williamson

Most relevant negative review

High-end speakers
I bought some expensive speakers from this company, and man, was I let down by the quality. Way o...Read on

Review with most votes

Sound Quality
I have been a loyal customer of Klipsch for several years now, and I must say, I am thoroughly im...Read on
Hertha Kiehn

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Klipsch computer speakers

    I got these awesome speakers for my computer, but after a while, they started buzzing really loud. I hardly even turned up the volume, but Klipsch said it was a subwoofer issue and now they won't fix it because it's out of warranty. I think I'll try Bose next time!

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    Would buy here again


    Man, Klipsch's support department is terrible! They never responded to my emails when I had a problem with my speakers. I had to solve everything by myself, but luckily The Speaker Exchange was able to help me out. Klipsch, you're definitely not getting my business again. You need to step up your game!

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    Would buy here again

    Portable speaker purchase

    I called in with a simple question about powering the product from a portable station and I ended up getting transferred around a bunch of times. I didn't get any help and the customer service was just terrible. I tried to reach out a few more times after that first call, but I didn't get anywhere. Overall, really disappointing experience.

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    Would buy here again

    THX range (LCR 6000) purchase

    Despite the good sound for movies, the product's quality is actually pretty bad. The paint on the speakers chips off way too easily, especially for something that's supposed to be high-end. And when I tried to get help from customer service, it was a total bust. They were no help at all and just made things more annoying. It's clear that they don't really care about making customers happy, which is a big letdown. So, I definitely wouldn't suggest buying from this company because of the low-quality product and terrible support.

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    Would buy here again

    Cinema 700 soundbar/subwoofer purchase

    I bought a soundbar and subwoofer back in November 2021. At first, the setup was super easy and smooth. But after about a month, I ran into some problems. The soundbar would randomly stop working, and the subwoofer wouldn't pair up. It was really annoying because I expected top-notch sound quality and a hassle-free experience. After some back and forth emails, I finally talked to customer service reps named Morgan and Marc on the phone. They figured out a way to update the firmware to fix the issue temporarily. But it kept happening. They promised me a replacement in December, but then said there were supply chain problems causing delays because they needed chips. Turns out, lots of models like the Cinema 600, 700, 800, and 1200 were having the same issue, not just mine.

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