Moosejaw Reviews

: 22

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36% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Running shoes purchase
I wasn't sure about buying from them at first because of some bad reviews, but I took a chan...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Outdoor clothing
My experience with this company was really disappointing. They tried to seem like a friendly outd...Read on

Review with most votes

Warm , comfortable and really
I have no sense of fashion , mostly comfort is important to me then the price comes. So when i bu...Read on
Ethan Kinsley

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Alaskan resident purchase

    As a longtime customer of the company, I'm pretty bummed about how things have changed since they were bought out by a bigger sporting goods company. Moosejaw used to hook it up with great stuff like lifetime returns, free shipping to Alaska, and discounts for military, first responders, students, and teachers. But now that's all gone, and my store credit doesn't feel as valuable anymore.

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    Would buy here again

    recently bought item that I wanted to return

    I used to really enjoy shopping at this place, but ever since they got new owners, things have gone downhill. I bought something a few weeks ago and wanted to return it, but when I tried, I found out they completely changed their online system and my account was gone. When I went to return the item, they wouldn't give me my money back and only offered store credit. It's a total scam and I'm not okay with it. I won't be shopping there anymore if they're gonna keep pulling shady moves like this.

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    Would buy here again

    Cycling jersey

    I was really upset about my experience with this company. I ordered a bright orange cycling jersey, but it came in red. I tried reaching out through email, but didn't get a useful reply. When I called customer service, the person said he couldn't promise the color because he didn't choose the items himself. It was a really frustrating and unproductive conversation. I'm relieved I didn't order any shoes, that would've been even worse. Overall, it was a total waste of time and money.

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    Would buy here again

    Arcteryx Beta SL jacket purchase

    I just bought the Arcteryx Beta SL jacket from this store because I saw a pop-up ad with a 30% discount. But when I clicked on the ad, there was no discount on the jacket as promised. I contacted Customer Service with screenshots of the ad, but they brushed me off with excuses and didn't solve the issue. This shady advertising tactic is not okay and it makes me not trust this retailer anymore.

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