Perfumes Club Reviews

: 25

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36% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Perfumes I bought
I had such a great experience shopping at Perfumes Club! It was super easy to find exactly what I...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Perfume purchase
I bought a perfume from Perfumes Club not long ago, but when it arrived, the box was empty. I con...Read on

Review with most votes

Concerns about shipping time
I recently bought something from Perfumes Club and I was a little unsure about how long it would ...Read on

Reviews (25)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Undelivered order

    I recently bought something from Perfumes Club, but I never got my order. Even though they said they checked and it was delivered, I can say for sure that no one tried to drop off any package at my place, because I have security cameras that caught everything. This whole thing has been really disappointing and annoying for me.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Fragrance order

    I ordered a fragrance from Perfumes Club not long ago, but I never got my package. I tried reaching out to customer service for help, but they couldn't fix the problem. I would suggest that others steer clear of buying from this company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Shampoo order discrepancy

    I just ordered 6 bottles of shampoo from Perfumes Club, but when the package arrived, there were only 4 bottles inside. Even though I was charged for all 6, the company told me to take it up with the carrier, who wasn't to blame. Their lack of responsibility and unhelpful customer service really left me frustrated and disappointed with the whole thing.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Chanel cc creams

    I bought some CC creams online that were supposed to be from Chanel, but they turned out to be fake when they arrived. The packaging was all wrong, the expiration dates were missing, and the shades were all mixed up. It was a total disaster! I tried to get a refund, but the customer service was terrible. They wouldn't even tell me where to return the products. Don't trust this place, it's a complete scam!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Blue sunglasses that took forever to get here

    I ordered these super cool blue sunglasses from a store that took forever to deliver them. I was really looking forward to trying them on because I was so excited, but when I finally opened them, they were a totally different color than I expected based on their website. It was a huge disappointment because I was really looking forward to wearing those blue shades. And on top of that, I later found out they don't accept returns if you're in the US. So now I'm stuck with these sunglasses that aren't even the ones I wanted. It's just not fair.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Isabelle Lancray order

    I ordered a product from Isabelle Lancray through Perfumes Club not too long ago. My experience, unfortunately, was pretty disappointing. When my package arrived, I was really bummed to see that it was empty - there was nothing inside. I reached out to customer service right away, and they told me to fill out a declaration form. But, since then, I haven't heard anything back from them. The fact that they haven't followed up or resolved the issue has left me frustrated and let down. It's really disheartening to feel like I got scammed by a company that I trusted to give me a good product.

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