Silencer Central Reviews

: 25

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Third silencer purchase
Oh my gosh, I had such a great time with the team at this place! They were really awesome and mad...Read on
Jerome Leffler

Most relevant negative review

Banish 46
Just the facts here. You be the judge! 2/13/23 purchase Banish 46, Trust and a plethora of other ...Read on

Review with most votes

Bannish 5.56 silencer
In the initial process of sale I was not told that there would be additional waiting once my stam...Read on

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    Fast and easy silencer purchase

    Purchasing a silencer at this spot was a piece of cake. The team there was super helpful and really made everything easy for me. I'm grateful for all the advice they gave me. I'll definitely come back for more buys down the road. I'm excited to finally get my hands on my new silencer once the waiting period is up. Big thanks to the team for all their assistance.

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    Would buy here again

    Suppressors for hunting

    Man, I finally got to try out suppressors for hunting, and let me tell you, it was like a dream come true! I always thought it was gonna be a hassle dealing with all the government stuff, but Silencer Central made it super easy. Their website is amazing, and they keep you informed the whole time. Trust me, if you've been considering getting a suppressor, just go for it and you can thank me later!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    3 orders with them

    Silencer Central is amazing! I've ordered from them three times and never had any issues with my order. Whenever I had a question, I just gave them a call and they sorted everything out for me. All I had to do was keep an eye on my email for the next steps, wait for approval, and then my order showed up.

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    Would buy here again

    Silencer purchase

    I just bought a silencer from Silencer Central and let me tell you, I am thrilled with the service. The staff really knew their stuff and helped me pick out the perfect silencer for me. They made the whole process super easy, from getting my trust set up to taking care of all the paperwork. I couldn't be happier with the experience.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Seamless process for suppressor purchase

    The folks over at Silencer Central really made buying a suppressor a breeze. They handled all the paperwork and had a really good variety of products at fair prices. I'd definitely suggest them to anyone looking for a suppressor. Kudos to the whole team at Silencer Central!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bannish 5.56 silencer

    In the initial process of sale I was not told that there would be additional waiting once my stamp was approved. It took 3 weeks to get my paperwork submitted as they sent my fingerprint paperwork via snail mail USPS which is inherently unreliable. I returned it next day air, and it still took another two weeks to get my appointment to submit. After the nightmare wait of the ATF approval process I was told that it would take an additional three weeks to receive my silencer. They quickly sent out my Cleo notice, but never followed up on it after sending. After ten days waiting and hearing nothing I called. Customer service told me it had not arrived and they attempted to contact the sheriff to verify. The next day they found out it had not been received, but it was showing that it would be delivered the next day which was fri. I called Monday to verify and nothing. I called every other day for an additional ten days and nothing. On the 11th day customer
    We service told me it was still showing undelivered by tracking and that the person In charge had sent one email, no additional calls in the previous ten days. When I became angry someone finally decided to follow up. They found it had in fact not been delivered and that they would send another Cleo. So one month after approval I am no closer to receiving my silencer. And in addition doing research have found this to be a common fault with silencer central. I am a veteran and have never had an issue one with any firearm purchase made until now. And it feels as though until the people I talked to today, no one is going to follow up and ensure I receive my product. I am in a catch 22 here and have my hands tied. I was told I would receive tracking number for both the original Cleo which they never attempted to follow up on. And the new one once it is sent, but still have received nothing. Buyer be aware 1 you will wait a minimum of three weeks to receive if everything goes right. If not you may wait the same as me frustrated and no closer after a month with no real solution from them to speed up the a side note when this is all said and done I will have been waiting almost one year as I started the process in April 22, my ATF approval was 269 days. So silencer central is the remaining wait time

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