Swanson Health Products Reviews

: 23

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Supplements in various dosages
The store has a great range of supplements, but I had trouble figuring out which ones were the be...Read on

Review with most votes

Useful products
Doctors always suggest to keep body immune in best power Secondary keep detox body Many allopathi...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Online supplement purchase

    Swanson has really changed and not in a good way. My shopping trip was a total pain because the prices kept changing. Every time I added something to my cart, the price would go up and down, making me frustrated enough to just give up and not buy anything several times. It took me all day and multiple tries just to finish my small order. I've been a loyal customer of theirs for years, but their service and pricing have been all over the place lately. Because of this, I'm looking at other companies for my shopping from now on.

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    Would buy here again

    Longtime loyal customer

    I've been a customer of this company for more than 20 years and they've never let me down. Their products are top-notch and their prices are always fair. I've shopped around before but nothing beats the service and value that Swanson offers. I can still remember flipping through their catalog back in the day before the internet was a thing, and I've stuck with them ever since. If you want quality health products at a good price, this is the place to go.

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    Would buy here again

    Vitamins purchase

    The website got a cool update, but now I can't see all the info like I used to. I really liked being able to see the back of the bottle and knowing if it was a tablet or a veggie cap. They should put back the ingredients and add more info to the product details window.

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    Would buy here again

    Vitamins at great prices

    I really enjoy getting my vitamins from this website. The prices are great and it's so easy to find what I need. I like that I can easily search for the supplements my doctors suggest. Checking out is a breeze and I love that my vitamins get delivered right to my doorstep.

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