Thriftbooks Reviews

: 23

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96% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Five books received one at a t
I really liked getting my books one by one as they came from different places. They were all in r...Read on

Review with most votes

"Supposedly Used Book&quo
I was so pleasantly surprised by the "used" book I bought recently. It was in excellent...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Multiple orders split with family

    I've ordered from here a few times now, and I gotta say, I'm really happy with how everything turned out. The stuff came within a decent amount of time and was in great shape, just like they said it would be. Ordering online can be kinda scary, but this time it was easy peasy. I got what I wanted and my family liked their stuff too. It was a good experience all around for all of us.

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    Would buy here again

    Vintage Agatha Christie Books

    I was super excited when I stumbled upon some vintage Agatha Christie paperbacks on this website. My collection was due for some replacements since some of my copies were looking pretty beat up. Luckily, I found just what I needed on Thriftbooks at reasonable prices. They shipped out my order quickly. The only hiccup was that one of the books had a little damage on the back cover from shipping, but I fixed it up easily with some scotch tape. All in all, I was happy with my buy.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy and fun book buying

    I just bought some books from this online store and it was so easy. The website is really user-friendly and I could spend hours just looking at all the titles. They have such a huge selection of books, it's like a dream for book lovers. Plus, the best part is how quickly the books get to my door. ThriftBooks is definitely my go-to for buying books now!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cool books, easy to find

    I found a ton of great books to choose from, and it was really easy to find the one I wanted. The book was in even better shape than I thought, which was a nice surprise. They handled my order really quickly, so I got my hands on my new book in no time. For sure, I'll be ordering from them again down the road.

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