Atlassian Reviews

: 24

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38% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Software purchase
The software I bought is really good when it comes to what it can do and all the features it has....Read on
Maryse Daniel

Most relevant negative review

Data privacy violation, poor c
This company totally ignored data privacy and security rules by letting data get stolen and misus...Read on

Review with most votes

Software transition
I used that software for a really long time, using it to store a ton of documents for my company....Read on

Reviews (24)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Scary emails and spam

    There's this company that keeps bugging me for personal info and sending me a bunch of spam emails. It's really creepy and not okay. I'm definitely not a fan of it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Website deletion incident

    I recently went through a tough situation where my company website got deleted and couldn't be recovered. It was a real eye-opener on the importance of regularly backing up your data. I put so much time and effort into creating valuable content for the site, only to see it all disappear out of nowhere. Even though my Trello boards were safe, the actual website was gone forever. When I talked to the customer service rep, they told me it was up to me to have a backup plan in place. It was a tough lesson to learn after the fact. I really suggest everyone take the time to go over all the policy documents and make sure they have good backup systems set up. It can really save you from going through something as heartbreaking as what happened to me.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Disaster recovery procedures lost

    I can't believe how bold this company is. I've been a loyal customer for a while now, but they went and permanently deleted all my disaster recovery procedures just because I hadn't logged in for a couple of months. Seriously? A few months and they think it's okay to erase all that important data? Plus, their emails were tucked away in some hidden folder, so I never even saw them. The lack of communication and understanding is just terrible. I trusted them with crucial info, but they let me down big time. I'm warning everyone to stay away from them because the convenience they promise isn't worth the risk of losing important data.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Trello account migration

    The migration to Atlassian just really threw me for a loop. They made me move my Trello account over, and bam - all my boards were gone. I've been fighting tooth and nail to get them back, but it's been a total nightmare. I'm honestly thinking about looking for a different tool at this point.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Billing system errors

    The customer service at this company is just awful. They never admit when they mess up and instead, they try to make it seem like the problem is your fault. Their billing system is a real headache too - it randomly changes your plan without giving you a heads up, based on the number of agents you have. So, if you happen to add one extra agent, poof - your plan jumps to a higher price without any warning. It's not fair and the company needs to be upfront about how they bill their customers. Dealing with this kind of lack of responsibility and empathy from the customer service team is beyond frustrating.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Software transition

    I used that software for a really long time, using it to store a ton of documents for my company. But then, the company decided to go all-in on the cloud, ditching their data center package. And let me tell you, the prices shot up like crazy! It was just too expensive for us to keep using their services. So, we said goodbye to them and switched to a different software that has more features and plays better with other tools. So long, old software provider!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    A-ok Product

    The product works fine, but let me tell you, the customer support team is just terrible! We were supposed to have our own account manager, but we never even got a call. We had to submit more than 100 support tickets just to get any assistance, it was a complete mess. Once our contract is finished, we're for sure looking for a different solution!

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