RentRedi Reviews

: 25

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72% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Screening charges issue
I had a little problem with some screening charges not long ago, but I gotta say, I was impressed...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Payment setup process
Setting up the payment was such a pain, they asked for way too much personal info compared to oth...Read on

Review with most votes

I have been using RentRedi for the past few months for managing my rental properties and I must s...Read on
Maci Kessler

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    Year Membership Rental Software

    I gotta say, I'm pretty bummed about the year-long membership I signed up for with this rental software. I found the software itself super confusing and whenever I tried to get some help, it was like pulling teeth. The real kicker for me has been trying to cancel my membership and get my money back. I put in my request way back in March, and here we are at the end of May and still no refund. I've emailed them several times, did everything they told me to do, even sent screenshots to show the problem, but nothing seems to work. The responses I get seem like they're just automated, no real person trying to help me out and get me my refund like they should. It's a real bummer that this company won't give me back my money for a service I haven't even used since March. Dealing with all this has opened my eyes to the headaches I would've kept dealing with if I hadn't decided to quit this service. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone else because of the terrible customer service and their inability to give refunds in a timely manner.

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    Would buy here again

    Transition from erentpayment

    The shift from erentpayment to this new service has been really good. I'm impressed with how smoothly it's all going and excited to see how things develop from here.

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    Would buy here again

    Rental management software

    I really like the rental management software from this company. It has everything I need to stay on top of my rental properties. And the support team is great too - always there to help out when I have questions. I'd definitely suggest this software to any landlords or property managers trying to make their lives easier.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription service experience

    My experience with the subscription service was really frustrating and disappointing. I decided to cancel my subscription back in March, but for some reason I kept getting charged in April, May, and June. No matter how hard I tried to put a stop to the charges, I kept getting notifications saying that my payments didn't go through and asking me to update my credit card info. It wasn't until I took all my credit cards off the site that they finally cancelled my subscription because of the failed payments. This whole thing made me feel like the company was being sneaky and dishonest.

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    Would buy here again

    Rent collection and lease management

    RentRedi has totally changed how I run my rental properties. Their platform is easy to use, allowing me to collect rent and set up late fees with just a few clicks. Plus, it helps me keep everything organized by reminding me when leases need to be renewed or updated. For the price, RentRedi is definitely worth it and has made my life as a landlord way easier.

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    Would buy here again

    Property management tool purchase

    RentRedi is so great for managing properties, collecting rent, and keeping in touch with tenants. It has everything we need for our rentals, and it's way cheaper than other options. The best part is we don't need any extra stuff like accounting software - RentRedi has it all covered!

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