Tinyhood Reviews

: 23

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87% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Prenatal education videos
My husband and I came across these prenatal education videos that were super informative and real...Read on
J. Kuhic

Most relevant negative review

Discount code mishap
I was so excited to use this coupon code to save some money, but it turned out to be a total disa...Read on
S. Rolfson

Review with most votes

Baby class
I was really freaking out about having a baby, you know? My friends were all like, "Don'...Read on
Odell Zemlak

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Sleep tips

    When it comes to advice on getting good sleep, I was really hoping for some detailed info that could actually address my own sleep struggles. But what I found was just super basic stuff that I could have easily found on my own. I was really looking for some creative and personalized tips to tackle my unique sleep issues.

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    Would buy here again

    Sleep training program

    Sleep 101 teaches you everything you need to know about sleep training, covering all kinds of situations and getting you ready for the feelings that come with it. Thanks to this program, our baby who was breastfed can now sleep on their own through the night, and nap times are going smoothly too. Following the program closely has led to a baby who is well-rested and much happier.

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    Would buy here again

    Infant care courses

    I thought the infant care courses were super helpful in getting us ready for our first kid. My partner wasn't really familiar with babies, but I had some experience working in a nursery. The courses taught us a lot of useful stuff that we both found really helpful. Now, we both feel more ready and sure of ourselves thanks to everything we learned in the classes.

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    Would buy here again

    Parenting guide purchase

    Tinyhood was absolutely amazing for my husband and me as we got ready to become parents. It was super easy to use and had tons of great videos and documents that really helped us get ready for being parents. The best part was that we could watch the videos together whenever we had time, fitting right into our crazy schedules. Using Tinyhood made us feel so much more ready and confident for parenthood.

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