Trainline Reviews

: 24

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92% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick purchase
Buying my ticket online was a breeze. The website walked me through everything, just remember to ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Refund process difficulties
I had some issues with getting my refund recently and it just felt like the whole process was way...Read on
C. Hickle

Review with most votes

Ticket purchase
I'll get straight to the point - I bought my train tickets not too long ago, but I didn'...Read on
M. Balistreri

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Refund process difficulties

    I had some issues with getting my refund recently and it just felt like the whole process was way more complicated than it needed to be. It almost seemed like they were trying to make it hard for customers to get their money back on purpose. On top of that, I had a hard time getting a seat on the EMR train and that was really frustrating. It seems like they're not putting as much effort into making customers happy as they should be.

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    Would buy here again

    Expensive trains

    Trains are way too expensive and never run on time, it's so frustrating! I mean, seriously, why spend so much money on a train that's always late and looks like it's been through a storm? In other countries, trains are much more affordable. Why are they so pricey here? We should be encouraging people to take trains instead of driving, but nope, it's actually cheaper to just drive your own car.

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    Would buy here again

    User-friendly booking platform

    I thought the booking platform was super easy to use and efficient. It kept my favorite trips saved for quick buying, and I liked getting alerts about any possible delays. Not having to pay booking fees for last-minute tickets was a real plus for my frequent trips.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy booking process

    The website was so easy to use! I found my tickets super quickly. The search bar worked like magic and pulled up all the options fast. I didn't have to search forever to find the best deal - it was right there. Entering my info and paying for the tickets was a breeze too. Everything was really simple and easy to do.

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    Would buy here again

    Ticket purchase

    I'll get straight to the point - I bought my train tickets not too long ago, but I didn't really know how the whole experience was until I picked them up. The reminders I got after my first search were kind of irritating and sort of made me feel rushed to make a decision.

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