Avis Reviews

: 28

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11% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Rented an SUV at the airport
So, I rented this really big car at the airport and it was amazing! Everyone was so friendly, the...Read on
L. Greenholt

Most relevant negative review

One-way car rental to Germany
I recently booked a one-way car rental to Germany through a third-party website. When I got to th...Read on

Review with most votes

My Experience with Avis Car Re
I have been a client of Avis for several years now and overall, I have had positive experiences w...Read on
Blair Becker

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Lost handicap sign claim

    I'm pretty frustrated because I accidentally left my handicap sign on the rear view mirror at the Cincinnati Airport. I called the company that same day to put in a claim, but it's been 3 weeks now and I still haven't gotten my sign back. I tried using the link on their website for items found, but it's not working. I've also called their local number a bunch of times, but no one ever picks up. In the past, when I left sunglasses in rental cars from other companies, they were always promptly returned to me in the mail. Avis really needs to step up their lost and found process because right now it feels more like my sign is lost or stolen, rather than just misplaced.

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    Would buy here again

    Car rental at airport

    Watch out for Avis, they're trying to scam you! I recently rented a car from them for just one day at the airport. When I picked up the car, they gave me an automatic without mentioning any extra charges. The staff seemed more focused on their phones than on explaining any fees. Then, when I returned the car, I was hit with an additional charge for switching from manual to automatic, which they never told me about. The customer service was no help at all and wouldn't take any responsibility for their staff's mistakes. I would suggest avoiding this company altogether!

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    Would buy here again

    Prepaid for rental

    I paid for my car rental online in advance, but when I went to pick it up, they put a hefty hold on my card! And when I returned the car, they actually tried to charge me more than what I had already paid online. Luckily, I caught that and questioned it, or else I would have been out even more money. I had to email them twice to get an explanation and it took forever to hear back. It turns out they were trying to charge me for things like roadside safety net and "rice" coverage - totally random stuff. Lesson learned - always read through all the fine print before handing over your money!

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    Would buy here again

    Overcharged for damages

    What a disaster of a company! Avis charged us for damages that we clearly didn't cause, and it's obvious they're doing it intentionally. They are completely dishonest and a disgrace to the rental car industry. This is just not acceptable!

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    Would buy here again

    Rip-off petrol charge

    OMG, I just rented a car from this place and they totally ripped me off. I returned it almost full, and they still charged me $80 for gas! I even showed them a picture as proof, but they didn't give a dang about it. So frustrating! ?

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    Would buy here again

    Unsafe vehicle rental and poor customer service experience

    I rented a car from this company, but I had some really big issues with it. Like, I was driving for only about an hour when I started hearing weird noises and feeling shaking from underneath the car. So, I went to a nearby spot for help and waited for them to open. They checked it out and told me it wasn't safe to drive, which left me stuck because they didn't have another car for me to use. So, when I went back to the rental place, they gave me a van instead, but they still made me pay the full amount for the Jeep I initially rented, plus the van, and even extra for gas for the Jeep. The customer service was a total letdown - they didn't even try to make things right or take off any charges for giving me a dangerous car that messed up my plans and caused a ton of stress.

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    Would buy here again

    Booked car online

    I reserved a car online for my family vacation through Avis, but ran into issues when I got to Costa Rica. Despite paying in full upfront and declining insurance since my credit card already covered it, Avis at the airport required me to buy their insurance before giving me the car. I had no idea if other rental companies had cars, so I reluctantly purchased the unnecessary insurance just to kick off my vacation. The whole situation was aggravating and really put a damper on the start of my trip.

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    Would buy here again

    Double billed, poor customer service

    Do not do business with this company under any circumstances. They charged me twice and said the money was just floating around somewhere, but it never actually appeared in my account. The customer service was rude and unhelpful. It's a total scam and definitely needs to be looked into.

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    Would buy here again

    Rental car con

    I just got scammed by that awful rental car place again. They keep charging me for stuff I never even agreed to. I'm gonna stick with Dollar or Alamo from now on, they always get my reservation right.

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    Would buy here again

    Rental car experience

    So, you won't believe this, but I rented a car and it turned out to be a nightmare. I had already paid for the car but when I got to the counter, this lady started tacking on all these extra fees that she couldn't even justify. On top of that, she gave me completely wrong information about the deposit. And when I brought the car back full of gas, they still wouldn't give me a refund for the fuel charges. And get this, they hit me with an extra $100 fee just because I was an hour late returning the car. Can you believe that? The total cost was only 271 euros for 4 days! They didn't even bother to send me a proper invoice or provide accurate information. It feels like they're trying to pull a fast one on everyone.

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    Would buy here again

    Rental car experience

    So, check it out - I decided to rent a car for our family vacay. The dude at the rental spot said we could bring it back anytime and get a refund for the days we didn't need it. But nope, didn't work out like that at all! We brought it back after just 2 days and they still made us pay for the whole dang thing. Can you believe that? Such a scam!

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    Would buy here again

    Car rental Verona Airport

    I just rented a car at Verona Airport, and I was pretty bummed that they didn't have winter tires on the regular cars. The people working there were super nice and helped me out with the rental process, especially Anna. She was awesome at explaining everything. But seriously, not having winter tires, especially if you're driving up in the mountains during winter, was a big letdown for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Car rental reservation

    I just rented a car for a trip down to Ft. Lauderdale, and let me tell you, it was a total disaster. I had reserved a Chevy Tahoe but when I got there, they said they didn't have any left because of spring break. They only offered me a minivan or an 8-passenger van, neither of which I wanted. The lady at the counter was no help at all and wouldn't offer any solutions or compensation for the inconvenience. The car I ended up with was a mess - scratched windows, dirty inside and out, smelled musty, and was almost out of gas. When I returned it, the service was just as bad. They didn't even bother to check anything before taking the keys and sending me on my way. The whole thing was a nightmare and I'll never use that service again.

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    Would buy here again

    Car rental experience

    My car rental experience recently was pretty disappointing. Even though I had reserved a car ahead of time, it wasn't available when I got there. I had to wait around for 30 minutes, which was a pain. When I finally got a car, it was dirty and had scratches and dents that hadn't been noted. Plus, one of the tires was low on air. When I told the Avis person about it, they just told me to go fill it up myself at a gas station, which I thought was pretty rude. It wasn't until I went back to the desk and complained that they finally gave me a different car.

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    Would buy here again

    Charging hidden fees

    I just rented a car from this company and man, let me tell you, I was so surprised by how shady they were! They totally ripped me off by charging extra for a tiny scratch that I could've buffed out myself, and they tacked on random fees with no good reason. And get this - they made me pay for a full tank of gas even though I only used half. It's just not right to treat people like that.

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