FamilyTreeDNA Reviews

: 8
100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

DNA test results
My experience with the DNA test results was pretty good. The info was clear and easy to understan...Read on
Eldridge Altenwerth

Review with most votes

A Thorough and Satisfying Ance
As a client of FamilyTreeDNA, I have had a wonderful experience using their services. Their websi...Read on
Madalyn Greenfelder

Reviews (8)






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    Would buy here again


    ᗪO YOᑌ ᑎEEᗪ GEᑎᑌIᑎE ᕼᗩᑕKIᑎG ᔕEᖇᐯIᑕEᔕ? - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᗩᑎY ᔕᑕᕼOOᒪ ᗪᗩTᗩᗷᗩᔕE ᗩᑎᗪ ᑕᕼᗩᑎGE ᑌᑎIᐯEᖇᔕITY GᖇᗩᗪEᔕ, ᑎO ᗰᗩTTEᖇ ᕼOᗯ ᔕEᑕᑌᖇE - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᑕᖇEᗪIT ᗷᑌᖇEᗩᑌ ᗪᗩTᗩᗷᗩᔕE ᗩᑎᗪ IᑎᑕᖇEᗩᔕE YOᑌᖇ ᑕᖇEᗪIT ᔕᑕO YOᑌ ᖇE - ᕼᗩᑕK ᗩᑎY EᗰᗩIᒪ Oᖇ ᔕOᑕIᗩᒪ ᑎETᗯOᖇK ᗩᑎᗪ KᑎOᗯ Iᖴ YOᑌᖇ ᑭᗩᖇTᑎEᖇ Iᔕ ᑕᕼEᗩTIᑎG Oᑎ YOᑌ - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO YOᑌᖇ ᑭᗩᖇTᑎEᖇ'ᔕ ᑭᕼOᑎE ᑭIᑕᔕ, TE᙭T ᗰEᔕᔕᗩGE ᗩᑎᗪ ᒪIᔕTEᑎ TO ᑕᗩᒪᒪᔕ TO KᑎOᗯ Iᖴ ᕼE Iᔕ ᑕᕼEᗩTIᑎG - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᗩᑎY ᗷᗩᑎK ᗯEᗷᔕITE - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᗩᑎY ᑕOᗰᑭᗩᑎY ᗯEᗷᔕITE - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᗩᑎY GOᐯEᖇᑎᗰEᑎT ᗩGEᑎᑕY ᗯEᗷᔕITE - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᔕEᑕᑌᖇITY ᗩGEᑎᑕY ᗯEᗷᔕITE ᗩᑎᗪ EᖇᗩᔕE ᑕᖇIᗰIᑎᗩᒪ ᖇEᑕOᖇᗪᔕ - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᑕᖇᗩIGᔕᒪIᔕT ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᗰOᐯE ᖴᒪᗩGGIᑎG - ᕼᗩᑕK IᑎTO ᗩᑎY ᗪᗩTᗩᗷᗩᔕE ᔕYᔕTEᗰ - ᕼᗩᑕK ᑭᗩYᑭᗩᒪ ᗩᑕᑕOᑌᑎT - ᕼᗩᑕK ᗯOᖇᗪ-ᑭᖇEᔕᔕ ᗷᒪOGᔕ - ᔕEᖇᐯEᖇ ᑕᖇᗩᔕᕼEᗪ ᕼᗩᑕK - ᑌᑎTᖇᗩᑕEᗩᗷᒪE IᑎTEᖇᑎET ᑭᖇOTOᑕOᒪ ETᑕ - ᕼᗩᐯE YOᑌ Oᖇ YOᑌᖇ ᑕᕼIᒪᗪ ᗷEEᑎ ᗷᑌᒪᒪIEᗪ OᑎᒪIᑎE ᗷEᖴOᖇE ᗩᑎᗪ ᗯᗩᑎT TO GET ᗷᗩᑕK ᗩT TᕼE ᑭEᖇᔕOᑎ, ᗯE ᑕᗩᑎ ᕼEᒪᑭ YOᑌ TᖇᗩᑕE TᕼE ᗩᑕTᑌᗩᒪ ᒪOᑕᗩTIOᑎ Oᖴ TᕼE ᑭEᖇᔕOᑎ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗪO ᗯᕼᗩTEᐯEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇEᑫᑌEᔕT TO TᕼE ᑭEᖇᔕOᑎᔕ ᑕOᗰᑭᑌTEᖇ - Iᔕ ᗩᑎYOᑎE ᗷᒪᗩᑕKᗰᗩIᒪIᑎG YOᑌ OᑎᒪIᑎE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ ᗯᗩᑎT ᑌᔕ TO GET IᑎTO TᕼEIᖇ ᑕOᗰᑭᑌTEᖇ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗪEᔕTᖇOY ᗪᗩTᗩ ᗩᑎᗪ EᐯIᗪEᑎᑕEᔕ ᗩGᗩIᑎᔕT YOᑌ?

    ? ᑕᒪOᑌᗪGEEKᔕYᑎᑕ ᗩT G ᗰᗩ I ᒪ

    ? +1.213.631.9542

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    Would buy here again

    A Thorough and Satisfying Ancestry Experience with FamilyTreeDNA

    As a client of FamilyTreeDNA, I have had a wonderful experience using their services. Their website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, allowing me to easily upload my DNA sample and receive my results in a timely manner. The results were thorough and provided me with a wealth of information about my ancestry and heritage. The company's database is vast, and I was able to connect with distant relatives I never knew existed.

    The customer support team was also exceptional. Whenever I had a question or concern, they were quick to respond and provide helpful solutions. I appreciate their commitment to helping their clients and providing a positive experience.

    Overall, I highly recommend FamilyTreeDNA for anyone looking to learn more about their ancestry and heritage. The results are accurate and the customer support is top-notch.

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    Would buy here again

    Unlocking chromosome browser

    I paid $19 to unlock the chromosome browser, but it only worked for my kit and not the other ones I handle. So, I shelled out another $19, and I have to say, I was pretty happy with how quickly I got access to the chromosome browser. Even though I had seen some bad reviews, I was pleasantly surprised by how well it worked for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Y chromosome test

    I feel like some folks are being a bit too hard with their negative reviews. Sure, there are areas that could use some work, but I've seen the company's quality get better over time. The Big Y test they offer gives such a deep dive into the paternal lineage, which I think is pretty cool!

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    Would buy here again

    DNA test results

    My experience with the DNA test results was pretty good. The info was clear and easy to understand. But I did have some trouble with the Family Tree feature. Even after reaching out to customer support, the issue hasn't been fixed yet and there's no timeline for when it will be.

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    Would buy here again

    DNA testing kit

    The sales team was really nice and helpful. They gave me all the info I needed about the DNA testing kit. I thought it was cool that they do all the processing in their high-tech lab, making sure everything meets the highest standards when it comes to the donor's sample.

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    Would buy here again

    Y-DNA and mtDNA testing

    Man, finding stuff on their website was a nightmare. It felt like wandering through a maze! The prices were a bit high, but hey, they offered Y-DNA and mtDNA testing. The site itself was sluggish and a pain to navigate. They definitely need to step up their tech game. But hey, my results ended up being pretty close to what I thought based on my family tree, so that was a win. And the cool part is you can check out your matches' family trees if they share them. Pretty neat, right?

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    Would buy here again

    Big Y 700 DNA Test

    I recently bought the Big Y 700 DNA Test from this company, and I have a few concerns about the info on their website when it comes to DNA matches. The email replies I've gotten have been slow, and it looks like they prefer communicating through email instead of using quicker methods. However, when I've asked unrelated questions in group projects, the admins have been fast to reply with useful info. Understanding the stuff on the website about DNA matches has been tough, so I've had to check out blogs and social media for help. Even though I got my results back in 2019, I've only had one DNA match up to now, and I'm not too sure about how accurate the matching process is based on what the company provides.

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