Cleo Reviews

: 28

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57% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Money app
This money app is awesome! It really helps me manage my money and avoid spending it all on random...Read on
Alfreda Crona

Most relevant negative review

Credit builder removal due to
I had a really bad experience with this company. I lost my credit builder card recently, and they...Read on

Review with most votes

A satisfactory experience with
I've been using Cleo for a while now and I have to say, it's been a pretty decent experience over...Read on
Lulu Lubowitz

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Cash advance, increased limit

    My first time getting a cash advance from this company was actually really nice. When I paid it back on time, they even raised my limit. It all went smoothly with no problems. Thanks for making things easier for me!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cash advance and bill payment

    My experience with Cleo has been pretty good overall. I'm grateful for the cash advance I got, it really helped me out with some bills. But I do wish they wouldn't charge me so much and that they could give me the money promised right away instead of making me wait a couple days. That's my only complaint about Cleo, but besides that, it's been decent.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    app experience

    At first, I liked using the app, but I got let down when I needed help. The customer service people weren't really answering my questions and just kept wanting me to shut down the app. They didn't seem interested in helping or listening to my problems, so I felt disappointed. It felt like they cared more about having a lot of reps than actually giving good help because even though they said they had plenty of staff, they weren't actually helping me get anywhere. And when they said they were there to help, it didn't feel genuine since they only replied when I wasn't online, which just made me frustrated with the whole situation.

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    Would buy here again

    Advance application and customer service experience

    I applied for a $100 advance with this company not too long ago, but man, it was a total nightmare. So, the advance got approved, but the funds were put on a credit card that I couldn't even touch. When I tried to get the money out, they said I needed to pay off my bill first! Like, hello? I didn't even get the money yet! It was beyond frustrating and left me feeling totally deceived. And don't even get me started on their customer service chat - it was a disaster. I just felt like I was being scammed, plain and simple.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent online purchase

    I recently bought something online and ended up being pretty let down by the service. They talked a big game about all the awesome perks and stuff, but when push came to shove, they didn't deliver. It felt like they hooked me in with false promises and then didn't follow through.

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    Would buy here again

    Trying to update my email

    Oh my gosh, I've been trying to change my email address for weeks, but no one is responding to my messages! I just want to be able to log in and check my stuff, is that really too much to ask for?! If this continues, I might just want to cancel everything and get a refund.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cash advance app

    I just tried out this app for a cash advance and man, I was really taken aback by how rude the chat robot was. It straight up cursed at me and even had the nerve to make some snide remarks about my spending habits. That kind of unprofessional behavior is just not cool and honestly, it left me feeling pretty sour about the whole experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Unreceived advance

    I had a bad experience recently with this service that used to give me advances. I've used it a few times before and always paid back the advances on time. But last month, on April 29th, I tried to get an advance and never got it. Now, the app says I owe money for an advance I never actually got. I've tried contacting them through the app and my email, but no response yet. And I can't even remove my card info from the app, so I had to cancel my card to avoid getting charged for an advance I never got. This lack of response and communication is not okay, and it's really frustrating and disappointing.

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    Would buy here again

    New member approval disappointment

    I was super excited to finally get approved as a new member, but when I checked out the numbers, I was kind of disappointed. My direct deposits were almost $3000, but after the $20 advance fee, the $6.99 Cleo membership fee, and another $3.99 for the transfer fee, I basically had nothing left in my account. It's really frustrating to feel like I'm getting charged for every little thing right after becoming a member.

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