Hair Mayraki Reviews

: 26

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42% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Glasses purchase
I bought some glasses from this place and they were so awesome! The folks who helped me out were ...Read on
Lupe McDermott

Most relevant negative review

hair dye disaster
Oh my gosh, this hair dye totally ruined my hair! It's all orange and it even stained my sin...Read on

Review with most votes

Keratin hair products
I'm a regular customer at this store and I've always had a good experience. There have ...Read on

Reviews (26)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online purchase

    Don't bother spending your money here! I gave them my money and they didn't bother responding to any of my emails or calls. I had to threaten a chargeback for them to finally send out my order. No apologies, just a tracking number. And to top it off, they're based in China. It's a total scam!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Antigrey restoring treatment

    I bought the Antigrey restoring treatment from this company recently. Gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed with the product and customer service. The customer service was basically MIA - no one answered the phone and email replies were super slow. The Antigrey restoring treatment had a horrible smell, like rotten garlic. When I tried to return the unopened bottle, they said I had to pay for shipping, which wasn't cool since I spent over $100 on two bottles. Overall, my experience with this company has been a nightmare. I wouldn't recommend their products to anyone.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Hair dye disaster

    Oh my gosh, I used this product that was supposed to get rid of grey hair and it made my hair super bright orange! Can you believe it? I had to dye it way darker just to hide the orange, but it still has a red tint. And to top it off, they didn't even offer a fix and I had to pay to send back the unused product. So frustrating, I'll never use that again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Hair product purchase

    I had a really awful time at that salon. They said they were all about natural ingredients, but the stuff they put in my hair was full of nasty chemicals that made my scalp itch and gave me a pounding headache. It was obvious they weren't being honest about what they were using. I'd tell anyone to steer clear of that place if they care about their health. Don't be fooled by what it says on their website - the truth is a lot different from what they're selling.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Hair products

    I bought some hair products from this company not too long ago and, to be honest, it didn't go too well. I changed my mind right after ordering and tried to cancel the same day. Even though I got a confirmation saying the order was canceled, I've been reaching out to them about my refund since February 17th. Now it's March 20th, and I still haven't seen that money back in my account. It's been pretty disheartening and annoying dealing with this as a customer.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    I spent so much money

    I spent like a ton of money and they said they'd give me even more back, but it was all a huge scam! What's up with that?! Such a rip-off!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online purchase disappointment

    Even though a famous influencer suggested this company, my experience was a major disappointment. I ordered something online, but a week later, it still hadn't been shipped. When I asked for a refund, the company totally ignored me. Despite sending three reminders and being patient for five weeks, I still haven't gotten my money back.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Hair products

    I gotta tell you, I'm really happy with the hair products I got from this place. They're super high quality and have done wonders for my hair. But I hit a snag when I tried to order more stuff from their website. Been seeing a "404 error" message for weeks now, meaning the page can't be found. I've even tried different web browsers, but no luck.

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