ScentBox Reviews

: 25

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76% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fragrance purchase
When it comes to buying fragrances, there's no better place than ScentBox! It's like a ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Subscription delays
I'm really disappointed with this subscription service. I signed up for 3 months, but only g...Read on

Review with most votes

I have been using ScentBox for over a year now and I am thoroughly impressed with their service. ...Read on
Zaria Schowalter

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    Subscription cancellation due to poor service

    I decided to stop my subscription to ScentBox because they weren't very upfront with me and their customer service was not great. They told me they had certain products when they really didn't, made shipping labels for things they never sent out, and gave me wrong information about when I could expect my orders. Dealing with them was just really frustrating.

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    Would buy here again

    Fragrance subscription

    I gotta say, being a premium ScentBox subscriber has really blown me away. The whole idea and how they actually pull it off is just top-notch. I mean, it's one thing to smell a fragrance sprayed on a little card at a store, but with my subscription, I can actually test out these scents for real and figure out which ones I'm really into. And on top of that, it's super easy to use and helps me create my own collection of scents.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription satisfaction

    The customer service team was really amazing when my package got lost. They fixed the problem right away and I'm really grateful for how quickly they handled it. The scents they sent me are awesome and I'm super happy with my subscription. I'll definitely keep being a customer.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription service for trying out scents

    I really liked using this subscription service because it let me try out a bunch of different scents without breaking the bank. The company has a lot of genuine products to pick from, so you can find something you really like. I'd definitely suggest it to anyone wanting to test out new fragrances.

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    Would buy here again

    Delayed order disappointment

    I recently made a purchase from this subscription service and I have to say I was really disappointed with how things turned out. I placed my order on December 8th, thinking it would be shipped out by the 21st. But then on the 21st, I got a message saying there would be a delay of 4-5 business days. So now, something I ordered weeks ago might not get to me until almost a month later, especially with holidays around the corner. I was pretty hyped about this service, but this delay has definitely taken the wind out of my sails.

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    Would buy here again

    Platinum Subscription

    I've been signed up for the platinum service for a few months and I've gotta say, it's really been above and beyond what I expected. The shipping is super quick, and I really like that I can switch out scents. The variety of fragrances they offer is killer, especially when you stack them up against other brands.

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