Jet Airways Reviews

: 29

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17% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

The best airways and highly re
I travel alot and so i know the pain of bad airplane services. it can turn your sweet journey so ...Read on
Nicole Thomas Kevin

Most relevant negative review

Travel booking with separate P
Recently, I had a bad experience with booking a trip for my mom and son. Even though they were su...Read on
A. Tillman

Reviews (29)






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    Would buy here again

    Flight booking disappointment

    I'm really, really disappointed with my recent flight booking experience. The airline made their flight times seem so good that I had to book with them. But then they went and canceled parts of my flights at the last minute, leaving me stuck and annoyed in India. And to top it off, I'm still waiting on a refund that they told me I'd get three weeks ago. The way they're handling things and the lack of communication is just terrible. I'll definitely steer clear of them from now on.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight cancellation

    I had a flight with y'all that got canceled last minute for some random reason about medical stuff, but that was totally wrong. My folks were stuck and had to buy a last-minute flight with a different airline. It's been like a month since I asked for a refund, but I still haven't gotten it. Every time I call customer service, they just keep telling me there's some tech issue and to wait another 10 days. This wait and lack of info is not cool at all and has me feeling really annoyed and ticked off. Overall, not a good experience with your airline.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight cancellation

    I recently had the unfortunate experience of having my flights cancelled by the airline without any explanation. Two weeks before our departure, I received an email informing me of the cancellation, leaving me and my companion in a tough spot. To make matters worse, the airline failed to communicate or provide a reason for the cancellation. Despite multiple attempts to reach out via phone and email, we never heard back. This led me to contact my credit card company to try and get a refund, which I am still waiting on. The whole ordeal was extremely frustrating and disappointing, and I would caution anyone thinking of booking with this airline to reconsider.

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    Would buy here again

    Cancelled flight, terrible customer service

    My experience with this airline was terrible. They left my son stranded in Thailand when his flight back to the UK was canceled, and they didn't even bother to explain why. It was awful because my son had saved up for this trip and now he was stuck in a foreign country with no way home. I tried calling them multiple times, but no one answered. The online refund form was no help either, almost like they were trying to cheat customers who paid for a service they didn't get. I had to figure it out myself, as a worried mother, to bring my son back home from so far away. The way this airline showed no care or responsibility really upset me.

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    Would buy here again

    Ticket booking experience

    My recent experience trying to book tickets was super frustrating. Every time I tried to reserve seats, they got canceled for no reason. When I called customer service for help, they were not professional and tried to charge me way too much money. They kept saying the tickets were sold out, but I could still see them available online. This is not okay and shows they are not honest. I wouldn't recommend buying tickets from this airline.

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    Would buy here again

    International flight booking

    My experience with this airline was a total nightmare. I booked a flight to go international with them, but then they changed the time at the last minute without telling me. Because of that, I missed my next flight and it caused a lot of problems for me and messed up my travel plans. When I called to deal with the problem, the customer service people were really unhelpful and rude. They didn't give me any help or solutions, and they wouldn't even give me my money back for the mess they made. The fact that this airline won't take any responsibility for what happened is just unbelievable. I really suggest everyone stay away from flying with them.

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    Would buy here again

    Lost luggage

    I can't believe what went down with my luggage! Like, how could they lose $3000 worth of my stuff and then act like I don't exist when I'm trying to get it back? It's been two months of non-stop stress and annoyance, and all they offered was $500 as compensation, but I can't even get it because they won't communicate with me! And don't even get me started on how they wouldn't cooperate with my insurance company when they tried to help. Seriously, it was the absolute worst. I'm never flying with them again, and I suggest you don't either.

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    Would buy here again

    Booking return ticket for sister

    I tried to get my sister a return ticket using my debit card, but she couldn't get on the plane because she didn't have a paper authorization letter, even though I sent it by email and she showed it on WhatsApp. When I asked for a refund, customer service said I was penalized for missing the flight, and I ended up losing around INR 60,000.

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    Would buy here again

    Refund issue

    Hey there, I'm getting super annoyed because it's been ages and I still haven't heard anything about that refund from last year when my flights got canceled. I've sent a bunch of emails but haven't heard back at all. It's just so frustrating, all I want is my money back!

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    Would buy here again

    Booking flight ticket

    I had the worst experience trying to book a flight ticket. I had to call customer service so many times, but they couldn't help me properly. Can you believe they canceled my return flight, put me on a waiting list, and then told me I couldn't fly at the last minute? It's ridiculous! I even missed an important meeting because of them. I had to take a super long flight with another airline because of their mistake. It was just a total disaster!

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    Would buy here again

    Flight experience review

    My last flight with this airline was super disappointing. The staff just didn't seem to care at all about giving good customer service. And let's talk about value for money - not great. The service definitely didn't match what I paid for my ticket. Plus, I was worried about how reliable their flight schedule was. Made me pretty anxious about the whole thing. Overall, I wouldn't suggest this airline to anyone, and I'm definitely gonna check out a different, more reliable one next time.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight cancellation

    I recently had the worst luck with booking a flight through this airline. Can you believe they canceled it less than 24 hours before I was supposed to leave? They had the nerve to let me know via text message! I tried calling customer service, but I was stuck on hold forever. It's just not right to mess up people's travel plans like that.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight cancellation experience

    My recent experience with the airline really sucked. They straight up canceled both my flight and my brother's flight, and didn't give us any good backup plans. It took me forever to get a hold of customer service, waited on hold for like more than an hour. And when I finally talked to them, they weren't helpful at all. All they offered was a full refund, which didn't even cover the cost of booking a new flight with a different airline. This whole thing has been a pain in the butt, costing me more money and inconvenience that could've been avoided if I just went with a different airline.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight delay, missed connections, poor customer service

    I recently had the unfortunate experience of being a passenger on a flight from Delhi to London that was delayed for a whopping 5 hours. The flight number was 9W122, and the delay caused me to miss my last train home. When I asked the flight staff at London Heathrow about the delay, they kind of ignored me and told me to talk to non-existent ground staff. It seemed like they were just giving us false hope to calm us down. Finally made it home really early in the morning, and I decided to email Jet Airways about what happened. Their response was pretty disappointing. They basically said they weren't responsible for the delay or anything else that happened after I left the airport. Their lack of responsibility and bad customer service really ticked me off.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight from London Heathrow to Mumbai

    I had such a great time on the flight from London Heathrow to Mumbai! The plane was really nice and comfortable, and all the movies and videos were working perfectly. But then I had to catch a flight from Mumbai to Thailand, and it was a total disaster. The plane was so old and none of the movies were working. To make matters worse, a flight attendant accidentally spilled orange juice all over me, my sweater, and shirt. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I had to deal with bugs trying to bite me as I traveled across Thailand. It was definitely not a fun experience!

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    Would buy here again

    Flight refund pending

    I'm just so frustrated that I still haven't gotten my refund for that flight that got canceled. I've tried reaching out to the agent over and over, but they never seem to respond. All they do is tell me to check the Jet Airways website, which is useless. How is it okay for the Aviation Association to let companies get away with this kind of thing? It's not fair that they're leaving passengers like me hanging, without the refund we're owed.

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