Redbox Reviews

: 28

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29% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Rental experience
I rented a movie from this service recently and I have to say, I was really impressed with how ea...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Overcharged credit card
This company is just awful. They totally took advantage of me and charged me way too much on my c...Read on

Review with most votes

My Experience with Redbox's On
I have been a long-time user of Redbox's online streaming service, and overall, I have been very ...Read on
Ayana Johnson

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Overcharged and Poor Customer Service

    I had a really frustrating time trying to return a DVD at the kiosk in my neighborhood. No matter how many times I tried, the dang machine just wouldn't take it back, and I ended up getting charged too much. I tried reaching out to customer service a bunch of times to fix things, but I never got a response. It's been a real headache not hearing back and not getting this sorted out. I'm pretty annoyed and let down by the whole experience. I'm definitely not planning on using this service again down the road.

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    Would buy here again

    Renting on demand

    I only rent movies on demand, but I'm bummed out by the fact that there aren't many good deals available for this service. It's annoying to dish out $3.99 or even more for just one movie rental when I could easily watch it on other streaming services that I'm already signed up for. It would be awesome to have more discounts and promotions for regular customers like me who are willing to spend more on individual rentals.

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    Would buy here again

    Security concerns

    Oh my goodness, Redbox totally dropped the ball and now my info got jacked by this sketchy site called while I was trying to add my payment info! Their customer service was no help at all. Seriously, don't risk your personal and credit card info with Redbox, it's not secure at all!

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    Would buy here again

    Two movie rentals

    I rented a couple of movies from a kiosk and tried to return them at a nearby spot, but the machine was broken. So, I had to go out of my usual route to return them at a different kiosk. Because of this hassle, my account got charged more than I anticipated, and there were some mistakes in the extra fees. It was all pretty annoying, and now I don't really feel like using their services again.

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    Would buy here again

    Redbox movie rental

    The Redbox app isn't working on my devices, even though it's supposed to. When I tried customer service chat, all they gave me was a "warning" message. Redbox used to be good, but now it's just not cutting it. I think I'll just stick with Amazon streaming. I also came across a Microsoft page promoting a Redbox download, but Redbox should really mention that you need some extra stuff to use it.

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    Would buy here again

    Rented 3 movies, 2 didn't work!

    So, I rented 3 movies at once, you know? But man, 2 of them were busted! One kept skipping like crazy, and the other wouldn't even get past the subtitles. I tried reaching out for like a week, but no one got back to me. Ended up returning everything, then saw a $97.00 charge on my card later on. I was like, seriously?! When I finally got in touch, they only gave me $10 off. Terrible service, total scam - never dealing with them again!

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    Would buy here again

    Email images

    I'm so annoyed with all the emails I keep getting from this company with pictures. They're filling up my inbox, making a mess of my screen, and taking up extra time to deal with. They always pop up between important messages or ads, so I have to waste time sorting through them to find my real emails. I've already stopped doing business with them because I don't want to support companies that treat their customers like this. If they can't even respect my time and inbox, then why should I give them my money?

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    Would buy here again

    Mischarged credit card

    I was totally shocked when I checked my credit card bill and saw a charge from this company for something I never even got! So, I contacted customer service right away, but unfortunately, I never heard back from them. It really made me mad to be ignored and treated so badly by a company that basically took my money. I didn't waste any time taking my credit card info away from their system, and I really suggest that others stay far away from this shady business.

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    Would buy here again

    Promotion code issues

    Recently, I've had a really frustrating time with promo codes at the kiosk. Three times now, I've been told I could get a dollar off my next movie rental if I returned a movie, but every time I tried to use the promo code at checkout, it was expired. It was so annoying to have to go through the checkout process multiple times only to find out the code wouldn't work. I feel like I was misled with false promises of discounts, and it's just not right. When a discount is offered, it should be honored without causing a bunch of unnecessary hassle for the customer. It's really disappointing to come across these kinds of inconsistencies and lack of follow-through with promo deals.

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    Would buy here again

    Limited movie selection

    Can you believe this? The movie choices here are so lame. It's like they only have the most popular movies. If you want something different or maybe even a foreign film, good luck because you won't find it here. They really need to improve their selection.

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    Would buy here again

    Movie rentals

    I recently had a terrible experience with movie rentals. I rented a few films from the kiosk and returned them on time, but then got hit with extra charges and holds on my account for no apparent reason. The customer service was not helpful at all, they just tried to blame my bank instead of owning up to the mistake. Dealing with that kind of dishonesty is really frustrating.

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