Swiss Airlines Reviews

: 17

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24% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Delayed flight connecting to N
I was pretty ticked off at first when I missed my connecting flight because of a snowstorm in Sof...Read on
Delia Bednar

Most relevant negative review

Lost luggage, terrible custome
This airline is just the absolute worst! I flew all the way from South Africa to the UK for a fun...Read on

Review with most votes

A Delightful Flying Experience
As a frequent traveler, I have had the opportunity to fly with Swiss International Air Lines on s...Read on
Lorenz Doyle

Reviews (17)






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    Would buy here again

    A Delightful Flying Experience with Swiss International Air Lines

    As a frequent traveler, I have had the opportunity to fly with Swiss International Air Lines on several occasions and I must say that I have been thoroughly impressed with their service. The flight crew is always polite and attentive, making sure that every passenger is comfortable and has everything they need. The seats are spacious and comfortable, and the in-flight entertainment system is top-notch.

    One of my favorite things about Swiss International Air Lines is the food. They always have a variety of delicious options, and I never leave a flight feeling hungry. Additionally, the airline is very accommodating to travelers with special dietary needs, which is a huge plus.

    The booking process is also very straightforward and user-friendly. I appreciate the option to choose my seat in advance and the ability to check in online. The baggage policy is also reasonable, and I have never had any issues with lost or damaged luggage.

    Overall, I would highly recommend Swiss International Air Lines to anyone looking for a comfortable and enjoyable flying experience. They truly go above and beyond to make sure that their passengers are happy and satisfied.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight experience

    I recently had a really bad experience with one of the ground crew members at the gate. The woman I dealt with was super rude and had the worst attitude ever. It was pretty jarring to see someone from the company treating customers so poorly. I don't get why Swiss Airways would have someone like that interacting with passengers. On the flip side, the flight crew on the plane was nice and provided great service the whole flight. Even though the gate encounter was rough, the flight itself was much better.

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    Would buy here again

    Delayed flight connecting to NYC

    I was pretty ticked off at first when I missed my connecting flight because of a snowstorm in Sofia. But then I was pleasantly surprised by the amazing service I got from the airline. They got me on a new flight, set me up at a fancy 4-star hotel, gave me rides to and from the airport, and even hooked me up with food vouchers. It all worked out for the best, thanks to their awesome customer service.

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    Would buy here again

    Lost luggage, terrible customer service

    This airline is just the absolute worst! I flew all the way from South Africa to the UK for a funeral and Swiss Air went and lost my luggage in Zurich. It's been 3 whole days and still no sign of my stuff! Their customer service is beyond terrible, all they do is give me excuses and absolutely no help whatsoever. Can you believe how awful they are at looking after their customers? It's got me feeling so angry right now!

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    Would buy here again

    Flight experience

    I flew with this airline recently and man, I gotta say, I was totally bummed out by the service. I made sure to book a vegetarian meal and everything, but guess what? During the flight, I wasn't even offered a snack or a drink. And get this, when I got home and tried to complain about it, they had the nerve to try and blame me for not ordering a special meal. Like, come on! That's just ridiculous and a total cop-out for their lousy service. They didn't deliver what they promised, simple as that. And it wasn't just me - my whole crew was disappointed by how things went down.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight booking

    My recent experience booking a flight totally let me down. I've had good flights with this airline before, but this time around was a mess. I reserved a seat for my upcoming trip, and then when I checked in, turned out my seat was already taken. When I asked about upgrading to a different seat, they told me one price first, then a completely different one later. I was so annoyed by the lack of consistency and communication. This was only my second flight out of eight that I had planned with them this year, but after this, I'm definitely not booking with them again.

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    Would buy here again

    Low-cost airline experience

    As someone who travels a lot, I've had the chance to try out this airline quite a few times. They have lots of non-stop flights from a big city in Europe to a bunch of spots around Europe. The planes are clean and pretty new, so it's a comfy ride. They even give you free water and chocolate on board which is a nice bonus. But the staff could use a bit more humor and be a little less strict, it would make the experience better. Also, I've had bad luck with my last four flights being delayed, which isn't cool. The seats are cramped and not super cozy, especially on long flights. And the airport itself wasn't great either, slow baggage, old buildings, long walks, and slow processes all made travel pretty rough.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight booking troubles

    My experience booking flights with this airline has been so frustrating. It's been over a year, and every time I try to book a flight on their website or app, I run into technical problems. I can't get through a reservation without some error popping up. I've tried so many times, but nothing changes. Plus, the messages on the website are deceiving. It keeps saying emails have been sent, but I never get them, not even in my spam folder. The only way I find out is by entering my Frequent Traveler number. Even when I reset my PIN/password like they tell me to, I still can't log in because of more technical issues. So, I've had to start flying with a different airline even though I'd rather not. I've lost faith in the airline's IT team.

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    Would buy here again

    Delayed luggage refund

    The customer service was awful when my luggage got delayed for more than a day on a quick flight in Europe. Even after sending back and forth loads of emails with customer support, they never gave me a refund for the hassle. It was so annoying and disappointing, making me wonder if the airline really cares about keeping its customers happy.

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    Would buy here again

    Berlin to Miami Flight Experience

    My flight from Berlin to Miami through Zurich was a total nightmare. The seats in economy were so cramped and uncomfortable, it felt like torture sitting in them for hours. And don't even get me started on the food - it was absolutely inedible. The flight attendants were so cold and rude, like they couldn't care less about us passengers. They barely even looked at us! One of them even left a box of sandwiches out for us to fight over in the galley. It was chaos! And then another flight attendant started throwing chocolates at us like we were zoo animals. It was so disrespectful and unprofessional. I've never been treated so badly by an airline before, and I swear I'll never fly with them again.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight from LHR to SIN connecting in Zurich

    I just flew from London to Singapore with a layover in Zurich, and let me tell you, it wasn't the greatest experience. The Zurich airport at night was like a ghost town, not very inviting at all. The food options were scarce, and the sandwich I got was just plain sad.

    Then on the flight to Singapore in Premium Economy, it was a letdown. The seats were super uncomfortable and a pain to adjust, trying to get comfy was a struggle. I ended up in an emergency exit seat that was freezing, so I had to get creative and use my blanket as a makeshift barrier.

    The flight crew didn't really seem to care much - they hardly said hello or offered to help. After dinner, they pretty much disappeared, leaving us passengers feeling forgotten and unimportant. This whole experience was really disappointing, and I would suggest looking at other airlines for this route.

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    Would buy here again

    Business and personal trips

    My experiences with this airline have really let me down. I've booked flights with them for work and for fun, and let me tell you, it's been a real struggle each time. The first time, out of the blue, they canceled my flight just two weeks before I was supposed to leave. No matter how hard I tried to reschedule, they said it couldn't be done. Then, the next time, they changed my flight not once, but twice, leaving me stuck in the airport for a whole day waiting for my connection. And, you guessed it, no chance of rebooking. The customer service? Don't even get me started. Those call center folks sounded like robots, just spitting out canned responses and acting all passive-aggressive. They didn't fix any of my problems, just made things worse. Overall, dealing with this airline has been a real nightmare.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight experience from Delhi to Birmingham with a connecting flight

    My experience with this airline was really disappointing. When I was boarding in Delhi, they told me one of my suitcases had to be checked because of an issue. Even though I got to the airport 3 hours early, I didn't hear any announcements about it. They didn't even say which suitcase needed to be checked so I had to get on my flight without it, hoping it would come on the next one. When I got to Birmingham, they told me that none of our suitcases made it because they were accidentally left in Zurich due to a technical problem. And the suitcases that did arrive were all messed up. And on top of that, my 3-year-old daughter's suitcase was still in Delhi, so she was missing her favorite toys and books. I've called customer service multiple times but still no updates on where the missing suitcase is. And talking to customer service was just as bad, they kept hanging up without really helping. I wish I had looked into this airline more before booking my flight, I feel really let down.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight refund request

    Trying to get a refund from this airline is such a pain. The staff never responds, and it's like pulling teeth to even get a basic reply. I can't believe they use WhatsApp instead of email - it's so unprofessional and just adds to the frustration. You would expect this kind of mess from a budget airline like Ryanair, not from a supposedly top-notch carrier. It's really disappointing that a well-known airline like this drops the ball on customer service.

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