Stunning Gift4u Reviews

: 22

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86% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

5-star double unicorn glitter
I just got the coolest unicorn lamp from this store! It's so sparkly and makes my room look ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

This company is horrible. They charged me 3 separate times via there we site and then kept Delay...Read on

Review with most votes

Memorial collage on canvas
When sent the proof to approve it stated to be sure your personal content is correct. It was but ...Read on
Kim OConnell

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Personalized gift for daughter's 30th birthday

    We were so thrilled with the custom gift we got for our daughter's 30th birthday! We got her siblings, best friends, and in-laws involved in making a special and lovely gift that brought tears of joy to her eyes. It was such a touching moment to see her try to guess who wrote each message. Thank you for helping us put together the ideal gift!

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    Would buy here again


    This company is horrible. They charged me 3 separate times via there we site and then kept
    Delaying the order because of their system. Was promised before Mother’s Day and then was told after Mother’s Day. Wasn’t even offered an expedited shipping. Horrible.

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    Would buy here again

    Memorial collage on canvas

    When sent the proof to approve it stated to be sure your personal content is correct. It was but apparently any imperfections on their end do not get fixed. I received my product and it has about five or six bright spots on it that I cannot fix. A wonderful family lost their dog and I created this memory collage for them. Unfortunately stunning gifts has offered me 15% back and a 15% coupon toward my next purchase. I can't give this purchase to this family because there are bright spots on the face of the owner of this deceased pup. Just beware and make sure you look at it extremely well including their imperfections before you approve the final. Unfortunately I thought those would be taken care of but they responded that they were in the proof and I okayed it so I'm pretty much stuck with it. I will be ordering another one from another company but for $70 I thought I would get a better product. They will respond that they sent me an email like they do to all of these but it just goes unresolved and they found in their favor. I'm not even taking the 15% because I wasn't looking for a discount I was looking for a good product. Just beware

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