Allstate Reviews

: 28

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18% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Insurance purchase
I recently got insurance from this one place, and I thought it was pretty awesome. I think it wou...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Car insurance claim
So I was in this accident, you know? It wasn't even my fault, but I had to hit up my insuran...Read on

Review with most votes

I was financially unstable, because my store got robbed... I went bankrupt. I tried getting my bu...Read on
Richrd Greene

Reviews (28)






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    Would buy here again

    Auto insurance policy

    I've been with this company for 8 years now, and I've never had any accidents or tickets. But for the past couple of years, my rates keep going up by a lot. When I asked why, the people on the phone were really rude and didn't give me a clear answer. Because of this bad customer service, I've decided to find another insurance company.

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    Would buy here again

    New car insurance

    I recently changed my car insurance to a different company because they offered me a better deal than my old provider. At first, my payments were lower, but then they went up a lot after a few months. And when my house had a water leak, even though two other companies said it was just a small issue, Allstate wouldn't help cover the repairs.

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    Would buy here again

    New home insurance

    I got new home insurance from Priscilla G. right before closing on my house. They charged me for a whole month when I didn't even own the place yet! After that, I never heard from Priscilla again. I ended up dealing with Anthony Jibreel, who told me that Allstate couldn't insure my home. He promised me a refund, but all I got was a partial one. I'm still waiting for the rest of my money back. It's been a mess - terrible service, no communication, and mishandling of my money. I've made countless calls and sent emails, but no resolution in sight.

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    Would buy here again

    Home insurance

    Yeah, so I got this home insurance and man, it was a real hassle. They flat out denied someone just because of their skin color, like, seriously? Not cool at all. They definitely need to be called out for that kind of discrimination. They need to step up and treat everyone the same, no question.

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    Would buy here again

    Homeowner's policy rate increase

    My rates went up a lot all of a sudden, and when I checked how much my coverage costs, I noticed it said "paid by third party." It doesn't make sense to me and feels like they're not being straight with me. The service I got wasn't that great either.

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    Would buy here again

    Renters insurance

    This company had me sign up for a new policy when I was getting renters insurance for the first time because I had a water flood in my building and wanted to protect my stuff. They messed up my age on the policy, and when I called to correct it, they were really rude to me on the phone. So, I just ended up canceling the whole policy.

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    Would buy here again

    Family insurance plan

    I got this family insurance plan through my job with this company. But after 8 months, I ended up in the hospital needing treatments, and the insurance denied all of them. It was super frustrating and disappointing to see that they cared more about money than helping their customers. Based on my experience, I wouldn't suggest going with this company.

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    Would buy here again

    Roofs inspection after hailstorm

    I had to deal with this insurance company after a hailstorm messed up my neighborhood. I'm not gonna call them out, but let's just say they were taking their sweet time to check out the damage on my roof. It felt like they were moving super slow, meanwhile my neighbors were already getting their roofs fixed. The whole thing was annoying and got me thinking if I made the right call going with them for my insurance stuff.

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    Would buy here again

    Insurance policy purchase

    My experience with the company has been kind of up and down. At first, I was really happy with the service from Allstate, but lately I've been feeling pretty annoyed. When I had to get some important paperwork done quickly, I ended up waiting longer than I thought I would, and sometimes the papers didn't show up when they said they would. This just added extra stress and messed up my plans. On top of that, I've noticed that their prices seem a bit high compared to what other companies are charging.

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    Would buy here again

    Insurance policy purchase

    I had a really bad experience with my insurance provider recently. I gave them all the correct info, but they messed up my policy by getting my date of birth wrong and charging me way more than we originally agreed on. The agent I talked to didn't seem to know much and wasn't very professional. They didn't take my concerns seriously at all. I've been with another insurance company for more than 20 years, but I decided to switch because this one had better prices. Now I regret my choice because of how incompetent and rude they've been.

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    Would buy here again

    Insurance Agent Phone Call

    I got a call from one of your agents trying to sell me something. I told them nicely that I was happy with my current insurance and asked to be taken off the list, but they just hung up on me. It wasn't cool and it doesn't make your company look good.

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    Would buy here again

    Biannual reviews and Drive-wise program

    We started using this new insurance company that has a funny little thing called DriveWise. My mom, my sister, and I all joined up for it. My mom had a hard time getting her phone set up with it for like 3 1/2 weeks! And now, it doesn't even track her drives to work or coming back home, or when she goes to pick up my nephew from school, to church, or just out window shopping! We've been using this program since May 1st, and it's only logged three trips! It's such a joke!

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    Would buy here again

    Policy change request

    I tried to change my policy before it was time to renew because my monthly charges went way up. I talked to customer service guy, Simpson, but he wasn't very good at getting back to me. He did reply eventually, but then he just stopped responding out of nowhere, leaving me in the dark. When I called to check in, I was just sent to voicemail and nobody called me back. It's not cool to ignore important requests from customers like that.

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    Would buy here again

    Insurance claim for water damage

    When I got back home and saw the water damage, I called up the insurance company right away. Dealing with this whole mess and trying to get everything sorted out has been a real pain in the neck. I've been on the phone with adjusters, had them come out to look at the damage, but it feels like everything is moving at a snail's pace. It's already April, and we still haven't seen a dime from the insurance company, even though we've been paying our premiums on time. The longer it takes for them to approve the repairs, the worse things get in our house. All this back and forth has really stressed us out and put a strain on our finances. It's frustrating to see how slowly they're handling our claim, especially when I hear about our neighbors getting quick and easy service with their own insurance claims.

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