Flamingo Reviews

: 19

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84% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Head to Toe Wax Kit purchase
I was so happy with the Head to Toe Wax Kit! I've never tried waxing at home, usually prefer...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Flamingo blade
The flamingo blade was a total waste of money! I was expecting it to be cute and all, but it just...Read on
G. Weber

Review with most votes

Simply world class
Very useful economical and affordable This is all about shaving set A complete package of its kin...Read on

Reviews (19)






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    Would buy here again

    Head to Toe Wax Kit purchase

    I was so happy with the Head to Toe Wax Kit! I've never tried waxing at home, usually prefer going to the salon. But because of everything going on right now, I decided to give it a shot. I got my package surprisingly fast, only about a week and a half! And the price was super affordable, much cheaper than getting waxed at the salon or buying strips at the store. The packaging was really cute and the instructions were easy to understand. When I finally used the wax, I was amazed by how smooth my skin was and how quickly the redness went away. The Post Wax Cloths that came with it were a game-changer, they soothed my skin and got rid of any leftover wax. Overall, I'm really happy with the results and definitely plan on buying it again.

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    Would buy here again

    Close, Smooth, Easy Shave

    When I found this product, I honestly couldn't believe all the bad reviews it got. But man, let me tell you, this razor is a total game-changer. The shave you get is so close, smooth, and easy. I was a little worried at first because the razor head didn't have any gel or soap, but turns out it's not even needed. My regular shave gel worked just fine with it, and the blades are top-notch. I've been using it for a bit now, and the first blade is still sharp and gets the job done. I didn't have to constantly adjust my angle while shaving, so it was super quick and efficient. I even tackled my underarms no problem, even though the head isn't super flexible. I'm definitely buying this again, no question about it.

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    Would buy here again

    High quality, convenient shaving experience

    I've been using these products for over a year now, and let me tell you, the quality and convenience are unbeatable. A friend put me onto this brand, and I haven't looked back since. The subscription setup is simple to tweak, and you get great bang for your buck with these products. Shaving used to be such a pain for me, always running out of blades and having to spend extra cash on replacements. But with Flamingo, that's a thing of the past. The blades are top-notch and last a good while, making shaving so much easier and enjoyable. And the shave gel? It's a game-changer, leaving my skin smooth and refreshed. If you're after a stress-free shaving experience, I highly recommend giving Flamingo a shot.

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    Would buy here again

    Disappointing razor experience

    This razor was a complete disappointment. Even though it came with an extra razor head in the starter kit, it just didn't live up to its promises. I gave it a shot three times, and each time was more disappointing than the last. The first time I used it, I ended up with six nicks on my legs and really irritated skin. The second time, I was super careful, but my legs still felt raw and painful. The third time, I tried to be even more gentle, but I still ended up with two nicks and my legs were in even worse condition. The irritation was so awful that even the slightest touch hurt. I've never had this much trouble with a new razor before. This razor was definitely the worst one I've ever used.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Flamingo blade

    The flamingo blade was a total waste of money! I was expecting it to be cute and all, but it just ended up giving me nicks and irritation every time I tried to use it. I usually stick with Gillette Mens, but I gave this one a shot because it looked nicer. Boy, was I wrong! Save yourself the trouble and don't bother with it. Just stick to what works.

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    Would buy here again

    Poor performance razors

    I bought some razors from this store recently and man, they were a huge disappointment. They said they would give me a close shave, but they actually just gave me a lot of razor burn and left my skin feeling super raw. I think I'm just gonna go back to my usual brand from now on.

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    Would buy here again

    Simply world class

    Very useful economical and affordable This is all about shaving set A complete package of its kind under offered price
    Never such wonderful offer received at either shops online or street shops Even I have paid good amount for a cartridge All essential accessories like stylish razor with five cartridges and cream Smooth cleaning effortlessly As I have shared since my school time till mid 2018 a huge amount spent on these articles Shave gel gives confidence I can use it anywhere inside home or in travel as no water required Attractive razor kit under twenty dollars ,what best I can expect

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Razor, shave gel, facial and body wax strips

    The shave gel is seriously awesome! It feels so fancy and gives me a super close shave. The razor has a flexible head and a grip that I'm really loving. However, I feel like the subscription plan wants me to go through razors way too quickly, which just isn't realistic for me. Plus, the body wax strips didn't come with a post-wax solution, which was a bit of a letdown. Overall, the products are pretty solid, but just watch out for the subscription. Oh, and did I mention, THE SHAVE GEL IS AMAZING!

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    Would buy here again

    Razor purchase

    I recently tried out a new razor because my old one never came in. It's not bad, I suppose. The handle is pretty neat since it's lightweight, but the razor part itself is too bulky and not very smooth. Shaving my armpits and knees was a hassle because it didn't bend well. I had to be super careful not to nick myself, which made the whole process take forever. It looks decent and was inexpensive, so I'll keep using it until it's done, but I won't be purchasing it again.

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    Would buy here again

    Ladies razor purchase

    I've been using men's razors for years and have always been impressed. So when I saw they came out with a ladies razor, I thought why not give it a shot, despite hearing some not-so-great reviews. But I was pleasantly surprised! My shave was so smooth and I didn't get any nicks, which is a lot better than my usual experience. I definitely recommend giving these razors a try!

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    Would buy here again

    Razor purchase

    I recently bought a grooming tool, but I was pretty disappointed with it. The packaging looked nice, but the tool didn't work well. The suction cup holder that was supposed to stick to the shower wall didn't stay in place, which was annoying. And the razor was too heavy for the cheap plastic holder, making it hard to use. When I tried to shave, I got razor burn on both legs, which rarely happens with other razors. The conditioning part of the razor didn't really do much either, it felt like rubbing rubber on my skin. Overall, I was not happy with how the grooming tool performed.

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    Would buy here again

    Shaving razor disappointment

    I bought a new shaving razor not too long ago and man, was it a total letdown. I've been using razors for a good 15 years now, and this one definitely takes the cake for being the worst of the bunch. The plastic design on the outside was just not well thought out, which made it super uncomfortable to use on my legs. On top of that, the blade itself was not flexible at all, which just added to the discomfort. Needless to say, I'm going back to my old reliable brand for all my shaving needs.

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    Would buy here again

    Razor blade purchase

    I bought a razor blade from this store not long ago and it was a total disaster. The first time I used it, it worked fine. But the second time, it cut me so badly that I got a really bad infection that was almost sepsis. I contacted the store to ask for help, but they didn't really seem to care. All they did was send me some men's grooming products that I couldn't even use. It was a terrible experience, and I definitely won't be going back to that store.

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    Would buy here again

    Razor heads

    The razor heads I used to buy were really great, but these new ones are just awful. They always leave me with cuts, rashes, and painful ingrown hairs after I shave. It's seriously the worst shaving I've ever done.

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    Would buy here again

    Razor purchase

    The razor I bought was such a letdown. The buffer on it doesn't let the blades get close to my skin, so the shave I got was not good at all. I was really hoping for a smooth, clean shave, but I didn't get that with this razor. And for $10, I thought it would be better quality.

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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced razor with faulty design

    I was really let down by this razor I bought. I was hoping for a nice, close shave, but it ended up being a total bust. Right after I used it once, the head of the razor got loose and wouldn't stay put, so I couldn't get a smooth shave at all. It seemed like something had busted inside the razor, making it useless after just one use. I definitely wouldn't suggest anyone waste their money on this product.

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    Would buy here again

    Razor purchase

    I wanted to test out a different razor. The first one was okay, but the plastic/rubber parts wore down fast. The second razor from the pack totally tore up my legs and they were left bleeding. It was awful, and I definitely won't be using that razor again.

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    Would buy here again

    Wax strips purchase

    I just bought some wax strips from this company and they worked like a charm. Easy to use and got the job done. But, ran into a little hiccup with my subscription order that needed sorting out.

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    Would buy here again

    Underarm razor burn

    The razor gave me the worst razor burn under my arms! I have a nickel allergy, and I've never had such a bad razor burn before. My legs were perfectly shaved, but the pain under my arms was too much. Just a heads up for anyone with sensitive skin or allergies!

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