Tanga Reviews

: 22

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82% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fast shipping, great customer
I was so happy with how fast my order came and how helpful the customer service was. I was worrie...Read on
V. Hartmann

Most relevant negative review

Just couldn't order
I attempted to order something, but got a strange message about a duplicate order that stopped me...Read on

Review with most votes

Outdoor Patio Furniture
I ordered a patio set that came in 2 boxes. Put together the items in one of the boxes and realiz...Read on
Mayra L

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again


    I recently got this really awesome backpack from this website, and man, it's amazing! The shipping wasn't super quick, and I ran into a few issues with customer service, but the prices are really great and the staff is super friendly and helpful. I'm seriously thinking about buying from them instead of Amazon next time I need something.

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    Would buy here again

    New cool stuff

    I really enjoy shopping here because they always deliver exactly what they promise. But, sometimes the packages arrive all damaged, which is pretty disappointing.

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    Would buy here again

    Outdoor Patio Furniture

    I ordered a patio set that came in 2 boxes. Put together the items in one of the boxes and realized the furniture is very small for even average size people. I have reached out to the company several times on their website to talk about returning the whole order or at a minimum the box that hasn't been put together and no one has contacted me. They have no customer service phone number but I found a number to their office in Arizona and have left several messages for someone to call me and as of yet- no response and it has been almost a month! At this point I guess I am out the cost of the patio furniture and will never ever purchase anything from Tanga.com due to horrible customer service.

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